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International Mobilities Provide Result Optimizing Via Experience
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project I.M.P.R.O.V.E. (International Mobilities Provide Result Optimizing Via Experience) includes job shadowing and different courses for staff from different parts of our school, including management. Bredängsskolan is a multicultural school in a socially disadvantaged area. Our school has previous good experience from international co-operation. We have found that it is especially rewarding for our students to be able to tie and develop international contacts. It has been equally important for staff who have worked with international projects. However, so far not so many adults have been involved. Through this project we want to increase the number of persons who will have the possibility to co-operate like this, spread the information to all parts of the school and also improve the knowledge about how to re-use and start new forms of international co-operation projects. This is the reason why the project includes 11 mobilities covering all parts of the school, subjects and classes and management. Bredängsskolan is a school with many students with special needs. We also need to improve the results of these students. This is the reason why it is important for our staff to learn how teachers in schools in other countries work with students in a similar situation. It is also important to learn about new teaching methods for different subjects and for different groups of students and forming new international contacts for a future structured partnership with schools and organisations in other countries. The mobilitites of the project therefore include - new ways of using ICT-support - the participant is an experienced teacher of Year 5, - working with the environment as a means of learning for students with special needs - the teacher is an experienced remedial teacher for students with special needs Years 4-6, - working with students who have recently arrived in Sweden to give them an understanding of society and its impact both locally and how it effects on a global basis- the participants are experienced teachers working with newly arrived students and students with special needs Years 2-9, - giving the possibilty for teachers to set up future international projects with future partners - the participants are experienced teachers who have worked with international projects for a long time, - learning from successful schools and countries how to plan and teach subjects for basic skills- the participants are experienced teachers who cover the Years 4-9 in their subjects, - to compare structure, organisation, methods and results for the teaching of students with special needs in similar schools in other countries - the participant is the Vice Principal, with experience of international co-operation and - to learn new methods for the teaching of the youngest students, especially in the form of ICT combined with the outdoors - the participants will be chosen among the teachers of the Years 0-3. All participants will sign an agreement which states how they should prepare themselves, what special tasks should be studied during their mobilities, how they should communicate during their mobilities, how they shall present what they have learnt and experienced and what to think of as far as practical arrangements are concerned during their activities. E-mail, Skype as well as other means of communication will be used continously throughout the project. We expect that the project in the long run will lead to improved results for our students through a better developed organisation and improved education based upon the knowledge and experience the participants will gain during the mobilities which will be evaluated afterwards. We also expect to to widen our international network through this project and future projects.

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