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International Media Work Placement GLR 2015/2016
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Graphic Lyceum Rotterdam (GLR) is a vocational school for a specific branch. In contrast to the ROC, we can focus on the trainings for graphics, media and communications industry. In practice this means that of our approximately 4,000 students, 60 % follows one of the courses in Media Design. The other students take courses in audio-visual techniques, graphic techniques and management and IT focused on media and communication branch. This concentration on a specific industry ensures that we are recognized as The school for the industry within Europe. In particular, the products that is made by media designers, lend themselves to an international exchange. After all, you don’t need anything else than the Internet. International ambition and position of the GLR, combined with international trade and employment in this sector, is a logical consequence to an international internship. Through an international work placement students are reaching for an international career in the media industry. The international position of the GLR makes an international internship easier. In addition, we hardly use the partner schools because we ourselves have enough contacts to mediate in those places that we think may be useful. The number of partner schools gives an idea of our international position and ambition. This application relates to 122 international interns and 22 teachers internships that we expect in the next two years. The relevance of our international internship: - The students in the position where they learn : o working with people in a different language and a different culture together . o be able to operate in an international environment flexibly. o to develop in an international environment personally. o develop himself and prepare for an international career. - GLR international internship gives an impression of our international position and goals end helps the GLR with our international awareness internally within the organization. The GLR has several facets that guarantee the quality of the international stage in the past and in the future, namely: - Organizational : o The GLR has a full-time Senior International Officer employed whose job it is to monitor the international position of the GLR and strengthen internal internationalization further development. o The GLR has a full-time international internship coordinator whose job it is to place international trainees and guide them during their internship. On average, there are always 40 students on an international internship. About 50% has their internship within the European boarders. o The GLR has built up years of experience in organizing and supervising international internships . This has become a stable factor in the organization of international internships. - Education Contents: o Stage is an integral part of the training of the GLR. International internships are identical to the internships that take place in the Netherlands. o The completion of the internship takes place within the GLR. The GLR is responsible for the organizing of this part of the final exams. GLR itself can guarantee the quality. o Specialist teachers are always available by email so any questions can be answered. - Preparation, selection and supervision: o All students are eligible for an internship abroad. The mentor and department director may object on the basis of the possible delays in the duration of the study and/or stability of the student. o All students are at the end of training rural examined to include the quality of English. In the future we will be the students who go to non-English speaking regions prepare better. o Through individual interviews and group discussions , students are prepared to work within a different culture. o The training coordinator who is responsible for the international internship is accessible daily for both parents and students with questions or problems during the internship. In the absence of the coordinator, this task is taken over. o The training coordinator has every two weeks, consult the trainee on the various facets of the internship. o The internship coordinator organizes each internship period, a "Social Community" with the help of "social media" so that international interns can support each other. o In preparation for international internships the GLR is organizing an international internship market where companies, agencies and other interested parties are represented. The impact of international placements for the GLR is considerable. It strengthens the international awareness of teachers and students. Media students create media products, also about their international internships. These samples are collected on our Youtube channel and GLR used in providing information on international internships.
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