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International Master in Innovative Medicine
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

REFERENCE: 564524-EPP-1-2015-1-NL-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB_IMIMTITLE: International Master in Innovative Medicine, IMIMObjectiveThe mission of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree International Master in Innovative Medicine (IMIM) is to educate a future generation of excellent translational biomedical scientists and professionals who have the skills and competences to work effectively in different multi-/interdisciplinary and internationally competitive academic and non-academic environments.Course durationTwo years (120 ECTS credits).Brief descriptionIMIM is organised jointly by the University of Groningen (the Netherlands, coordinator), Heidelberg University (Germany), and Uppsala University (Sweden) in Europe. Additionally, there are four Higher Education Institutions in Latin America: Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile), Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico). All partners have a particular strength in biomedical sciences and are listed among the top of regional and international rankings. The EU degree-awarding HEIs offer a complementary expertise reflected in the three selective individual master’s programmes on which IMIM is built.IMIM integrates different joint elements in the educational programme, in particular the educational concept of a ‘Learning Line’ defined as “from Bench to Bedside and Back” (BBB). BBB forms the heart of IMIM, providing a platform for students to discover, apply and integrate knowledge and understanding from different disciplinary domains to address complex translational problems. The BBB joint curriculum is a total of 20 ECTS of assignments, as well as and a spring and a Summer School. Students develop BBB background knowledge in the first semester, design a research proposal (Semester 2), write a business plan (Semester 3), and create a ‘BBB product’ –a research grant or a start-up company– in the final semester.IMIM students are distributed according to their educational background and start their study track at a European university (30 ECTS). During their second and third semesters students move to a different European partner in order to undertake a research internship (30 ECTS) and complete elective courses (30 ECTS). Finally, students carry out their thesis research in a location of their choice under the supervision of both an EU and LA researcher and with a private partner “assessor” who will review their thesis research proposal and assess the final thesis product from the perspective of industrial and economic feasibility.Career prospectsIMIM strongly values the integration of the curriculum with the non-academic sector, in particular industry. IMIM adapts its outcomes to the competences required by the labour market, in particular industry. Private sector partners are involved in IMIM through the BBB learning line, the Industrial Perspectives on Innovative Medicine Summer School to foster students' entrepreneurial skills and business savvy, student research supervision, as well as the programme evaluation through their participation in the Advisory Board. The latter is extremely important in order to ensure that the IMIM learning outcomes remain relevant to the competences required by the labour market.An international experienceIMIM students have the opportunity to study and carry out research in an international network including several European countries, Latin American universities and other worldwide private sector industry partners together with students, scholars and guest lecturers from all over the world. All the courses are taught in English.DiplomaIMIM intends to award a joint diploma to the first cohort of students graduating in 2018. However, if the previsions are not met, each student will be awarded a double or a multiple diploma.Website
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