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INTERnational EXperience for tourism occupations
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project was to enable students (24 of them) of Hotel-tourism and hospitality school to enhance and improve of professional competences through professional practice for a period of two weeks, in Germany (28.11. - 13.12.2015) at host partner Vitalis Gmbh. With increasing of skills of students (cooks, confectioner, hotel and tourism commercialist), employment in the profession as well as transition from education to labour market is easier after mobility. They were hosted by restaurants (mensas), small hotels and homes for elderly people. Participants were selected by the following criteria: success during theoretical and practical school education, participation in professional competitions, awards, motivation to gain international experience/motivation letter. Through linguistic and cultural preparation, as well as during their stay abroad, they increased foreign languages competences (German and English). Participants were introduced and got familiar with the use of new, innovative techniques necessary to work in the hospitality and tourism sector. These competences were informally evaluated (Europass Mobility document) that they will use for finding of work in own country as well as in the European Union. The project increased students self-confidence, raising the level of self-initiative and independence in carrying out their working tasks. Students developed personal and business contacts. Project engaged students of the final year of education (hotel and touristic commercialist 4th year, cooks and confectionaries 3rd year. Hotel and tourism commercialists students realizedhow to achieve a successful presentation of restaurants and hotels, as well as aesthetically appealing regulating space. Students confectioners improved the knowledge in following areas: occupational safety, occupational and personal hygiene, preparation of dough (puff, yeast..) fillings, biscuits, preparation and use of glazes, ice cream, healthy desserts, fruit salads, traditional German desserts , decorate cakes and desserts, preparing the workplace, weighing and selection tools. Cooks improved knowledge in the field of offering and serving meals, special meals, cold and hot appetizers, prepared meat dishes, fish dishes, preparing sauces, soups and use of different spices. During practice they applied the latest technology (tools, mixers, ovens, equipment) and procedures for the preparation and serving of meals and drinks. They realized through practical work catering services, too. During their practice they used consumabels rationally and economically, as well as work time. Students got familiar with the German culture, tradition and gastronomy as well as through work in international environment they met the diversity of cultures, values and attitudes. During the implementation of the project the partnership between school and host partners was strenghtened, partnership enables further cooperation on the exchange of experiences and the development of the education process for the hotel and tourism and hospitality professions. Students, participants of mobility transferred knowledge and experience to their colleagues, shared knowledge about the lifelong learning programmmes of the European Union. Accompanying teachers transferred their experience to colleagues who were actively involved in the field of vocational education and apprenticeship. The acquired knowledge will suit the growing needs of the labor market for innovative and latest techniques and professional skills in the hospitality and tourism, what will make positive influence on students competitiveness on the market. Dissemination activities were taken immediately after project approval (information, web site, school meetings, in the classrooms), during preparation period at parents meetings, on teachers' meeting. During mobility period students spread information on social networks, sent photos for school website. After mobility they prepared presentations for other students and teachers, as well as short film for media presenation of the project (Zadarski list, TV-Regionalni dnevnik). This project opened possibility for new projects (KA1 and KA2) with Vitalis, other partners in Germany (vocational school for catering and tourism, craft chamber and employers).
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