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International Cooperation Through Music (IC Music)
Start date: Jul 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 8 IC Music partners came together with the aim of introducing long-term, sustainable cooperation between live music participants located in the 2 Seas area – France, UK, Flanders.Facilitating the touring of artists and upcoming talent from local music scenes, they embarked on building a pioneering partnership in this sector which has previously been difficult due to differing structural and organisational statutes.In order to make a sustainable partnership that will outlast the duration of the project, the partners will organise their activities around three main themes:- the mobility of upcoming artists from the 2 Seas area including concerts in the different partner countries. - activities to develop better understanding of the ways in which partner organisations operate, through the professional seminars, exchanges of partners teams and language learning.- training for musicians to perform and entertain in environments such as prisons, care homes and hospitals to allow them wider opportunities for income generation. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?Results for activity 1 are as follows:- support of 36 music groups- approx. 84 concerts for IC Music groups, with an estimated audience attendance of 5,000 people- approx.30 showcases for IC Music groups (promotional concerts intended for professionals) with an estimated audience attendance of 1,500 peopleResults for activity 2 are as follows:- 3 professional meetings, with attendance of 3,000 professional delegates- participation of partners in 10 professional meetings and festivals- 40 partner employees participating in team exchanges- progression in language learning for all employees of partner ogranisationsResults for activity 3 are as follows:- 24 music groups will take part in community outreach activities aimed at specific audiences- around a hundred or so activities and cultural projects will be implemented. It is estimated that 8,000 people will benefit from these activities.Are all partners and territories benefitting from the results?The identified beneficiaries of the project will be music groups turning from amateur to professional who will benefit from support and career development opportunities, professional stakeholders in the Live music sector who will be able to discover new talent, as well as exchange ideas about practices and better learn about the operation of structures and networks. Operationally, partner employees will be able to complement expertise and improve skills during placements in partner structures. Other beneificaries will include audiences who are distanced from culture who will benefit from cultural activities and the general public who will be present at concerts (live and broadcast online) and who will be able to discover artists who they would not have seen without the project.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?The benefits for the partner regions will be in terms of economic development, with the cultural and creative sector having strong economic potential linked, inter alia, to cultural tourism. There will be increased well-being for residents of the 2 seas regions, thanks to the cooperation and better circulation of artists, making residents in the zone benefit from a crossborder and diverse cultural offer which will make their area more appealing. Moreover, by developing and offering residents inclusive and participative cultural activities, the project will contribute towards establishing the conditions required for their full participation in society and will lead to increased social cohesion in the area.
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  • 50%   2 420 835,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants