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International Continunig Education Program Benchmarking based on an EFQM Quality Process
Start date: Sep 1, 2009,

The project focuses on providing processes and tools for CE operations becnhmariţing and by doing so promoting learning within and developing management ofthe CE organisations. The project is divided into two main activities: a) creating systems for defining and gathering vaiid bechmarklng data from continuingeducation operations, This data will be used for CE organisations seif assessment and sharing best practices amongst the organisations, b) extending thebencmarking tools to be available for all continuing education providers. The projet utilizes fully the outcomes of the former DAETE project in which an EFQM basedself-assessment matrix was designed to help assess CE organisation's operations.

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  • Education and training\External Programmes and Policies\Co-operation with industrialised countries\USA - ATLANTIS PROGRAMME\Action 3 - Policy Oriented Measures (POM)
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

10 Partners Participants