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International Business for European Union
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IB4EU proposes a microeconomic view of EU integration so far overlooked in EU economic studies based on the idea that “Growth and job creation depend on healthy, well connected markets, where competition and consumer access stimulate business and innovation” (Europe 2020 Deepening the Single Market tool). In particular, IB4EU focuses on internationalization of enterprises and SMEs, which implies competitiveness through innovation and efficient resource management as well as entrepreneurial skills, can be a bottom-up strategy to deepen the single market through the Horizon 2020 target of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, and strengthen EU integration.OBJECTIVES• promotion of excellence in teaching and research through improved and innovative activities, • bridging the gap between the worlds of education and work,• promotion of awareness about EU citizenship to build a strong and conscious Europe among end-users and the general public.ACTIVITIES• foster the development of an existing MA-level IB course by adopting ICT-based methodologies and interactive pedagogical methods as well as of a new seminars series on specific Horizon 2020 topics,• promote high quality academic research to be disseminated through the participation of the JMC holder in national and international workshops, conferences and seminars,• enhance knowledge and awareness about the IB4EU activities among civil society and specific target groups.MAIN OUTPUTS• development of Open Educational Resources (OER),• research outputs,• website,• alumni database.OUTCOMES• increase capacity to teach,• enhance the visibility of scientific and academic activities in the field,• reach a wider public during and after the lifetime of the project.IMPACT• enhance employability and improve career prospects for young graduates,• influence policy and practices,• increase an active EU citizenship.
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