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Internacionalización y calidad en la escuela.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Pobra do Caramiñal aims at bettering quality in teaching, studying and learning, as well as at optimizing the organization of work both in the centre in general and inside the classrooms so as to obtain the results usually expected from one of today´s schools. Also, we want to attain a higher level of key competences implementation in general and of technologies in particular and for this we search for a deeper training of the whole of our staff. To reach this goal our centre has drawn several routes for improvement in which training of the teachers and partnership with other European centres are fundamental. These routes are shown and specified in the centre´s essential documents: Quality Enhancement Plan and European Plan. This project targets an improvement in teaching quality in our centre, in the acquisition of the tools and abilities which would allow our school to better the results and be ready to face present-day and future challenges. We deem advance in internationalization, increase in cooperation and comunication with other European centres particularly important, so boosting professional and cultural exchange. To reach this objective we are going to carry out a series of training activities: two Quality EU Project Mamagement-Erasmus+ courses addressed to our teachers participating in European Projects; six English language improvement courses for CLIL teachers, English language teachers and teachers taking part in European projects. The activities in this project have been designed in a way that those teachers involved in the different actions and programmes we are trying to promote, like Bilingual Sections and European Erasmus+ Programmes, should be those who participate and so improve their competences in multiple levels, especially focusing on foreign languages and on the designing and implementing of quality European projects. We look forward to an improvement in educational innovation in our Centre Education Programme, taking int account the new European projects we can carry out. We want our teachers and students to increase their possibilities of mobility in the European range, so strengthening their motivation for the mastering of different languages and enlarging the possibilities of European studies and profesional mobilities. Today´s and future´s school populations will gain from the endeavours taken on by the participants in the project. Our environment will benefit from the impact which the realization of international projects has on the community the centre is integrated in and so it will strengthen the construction of the European Community. Cooperation and collaaboration between European schools will be implemented by means of new alliances with European centres founding future cooperations, jobshadowings, strategic associations and student mobility.
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