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Internacionalización, innovación, inclusión y mejora de competencias de la CFPA Enric Valor en Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CFPA Enric Valor is a public school that offers a wide and varied training for adults from 18 to 84 years old. The school has a large number of definitive teachers which aims to give students a comprehensive education, responding to the demands of the society, fulfilling their specific needs, giving them the support they needed to achieve educational goals. The objective is that our students become active European citizens and to encourage them to improve and to achieve their educational goals. We recently conducted a series of internal evaluations. A SWOT analysis was made and the results and conclusions obtained were the basis for the formulation of our goals and objectives in the medium and long term, and to define the strategic objectives.The needs of our school are:-To increase the quality of education provided-To know new ICT methodologies and to integrate them into the teaching / learning-To implement new methods in order to improve the achievement of our educational objectives (new teaching methods focused on the student / collaborative learning methods)-To improve the language skills of teachers and students in at least one foreign language and the two official languages of the Valencian Community-To know other strategies and methodologies to address our multicultural student and promote inclusion-To promote learning in an environment of continuous training-To use educational tools to promote innovation, a sense of initiative and collaborative work of students-To increase the prestige of the school-To establish networks that enable the development of new European projects to share best practices, combating school failure and promoting inclusion.-To acquire more motivation and satisfaction in everyday work-To integrate new tools and processes to the development plan of the school-To implement management policy based on internationalization and participation in European projects under the Erasmus+ program that promotes both physical and virtual mobility of teachers and students.Some teachers of the adults school are already involved in training courses provided by the CEFIRE to improve ICT skills and also attend English classes at the EOI.The project was carried out between several teachers of the school interested in improving their ICT skills, their language skills and in the application of new methodologies (as collaborative working...) in the classroom to combat school failure, improve inclusion and being in contact with other European institutions...Several organisations have been selected to organize training courses in the UK, Ireland, Malta and France. These organisations have extensive experience in organizing courses and they have a wide range of courses that fits the needs of the centre. We have chosen the job shadowing in an organisation with a wide experience in European projects to learn the processes.The selection of participants will be coordinated by the CIC. All the staff of the school will be informed about process and can apply for participation in it. The project will allow 6 teachers to conduct training and job shadowing on the implementation of ICT in the classroom, new teaching methods, treatment of multiculturalism in the classroom and project planning and management. This training will achieve the objectives described above.The evaluation of the quality of the proposal will take place quantitatively, through questionnaires (questionnaire platform Erasmus+ and questionnaires accomplished by the school) and qualitatively through personal interviews to measure and evaluate the actions in each phase of the project, contributing to its improvement.During the two years of the project, workshops will be held at the centre, seminars and collaborative methodologies and non-formal learning in order to transfer the training and to allow this learning to integrate into the teaching practice of other teachers. We will participate in conferences organized by other entities (associations, other schools, Consellería de Education, etc.) to disseminate and exploit the project results.Teachers will receive a Europass mobility certificate and a certificate from the Consellería de Educación with the training hours.The project is directly linked with the 2020 strategy and agrees the strategic priorities to help the EU and its Member States to generate higher employment, productivity and social cohesion.

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