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Internacionalización de la educación inclusiva de personas con discapacidad funcional auditiva en entornos normoyentes.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project stems from the need to meet other academic environments with students with special educational needs, such as deafness or hearing impairment, working in an integrated environment. The main objective is to acquire new skills, strategies, resources and materials that enable the adaptation and integration of such students in all modules and classes they take; paying particular attention to the subject of physical education. Physical education stands out because it has been found, by observing our deaf students, that it is one of the area where the language affects less the realization and understanding of activities. The hard of hearing students, with certain spatial considerations, has a more equitable learning environment in relation to their hearing peers as it is a more gestural and expressive subject.Two mobility activities for 4 teachers and a High Technician in Spanish Language Interpreting signs working as part of our staff at our VET/High School are planned. Each visit will last 5 days in the reception center and are scheduled activities dedicated to the observation of teaching practice with students with hearing disability. Mobilities will participate in both the teaching staff, especially in the Departments of Physical Education and Guidance, in which a sign language interpreter is included.To acquire language and speech, the first road that we encounter is the auditory pathway. That is why we want to know, through practical observation in an academic environment, how to work with students with hearing disabilities in one normoyente environment. Participatory and focused on the observation of communication between peers and teachers, where the exchange of teaching and learning resources will be promoted methodology.The methodology for the organization of the mobility of teachers abroad for the experience we already have in our center consists of the following stages: contact with host partner, candidate selection, linguistic and cultural preparation by teachers, signature by all Agreement over the observation efforts for the trip, finding accommodation, stay tracking through (email, telephone, final report on the Erasmus Mobility Tool) which contact / coordinator / internationally on arrival, the collection documentation provided by teachers on their return (certificate of attendance and Europass).All these phases are well known by our VET/High School since 12 years we are doing with the students under other programs for students of VET and during 2015-2016 also teachers in our two projects above KA102 and KA103.There are already European programs coordinators at our center, now we would start to school. Our quality standards are demanding and the approval of this project will allow us to apply sufficient merit would be the first project at theVET/ High School after 25 years.It is expected to have a greater understanding of how varied the academic result of deaf children with respect to listeners with normal hearing environments. Being able to check in other different countries whether the language level of a deaf person with respect to a hearing person with similar ages involves a cultural, academic, and social impoverishment, being affected their teaching-learning process. Or if there is an integrated environment where the difference is the virtue of who does not listen, no more than two languages exist as a vehicle of communication and learning, both academic and personal instead.It is also intended to create a climate of confidence to apply in the future next week stays of students with hearing loss accompanied by a teacher of our center. For this 4 teachers will be selected according to criteria established by the selection committee (shown involvement with European Programmes, ages of working as a civil servant in our VET/High School and language skills, mainly English) to be responsible for the dissemination of the training received to produce the greatest possible impact on the VET/High School.

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