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Internacionalizacija obrazovanja u srednjoj strukovnoj školi DCM
Start date: Aug 15, 2014, End date: Aug 12, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sense of the project of Internationalization of education in secondary vocational school DCM is the modernization of the teaching process in the teaching of dental techniques through the implementation of professional practice which will contribute to the development of dentistry in Dalmatia , especially dental techniques, through the improvement of teaching process by introducing new techniques and methodologies of teaching. Vocational practice will be done by students who will have completed the third grade for occupation "dental technician" , which is a total of 40 students and four accompanied with four teachers dived in two mobilities during the two years of the project . The project was designed in collaboration with the Croatian Economic Association in Germany / Kroatische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V - which is an economic organization established in 2007. in Frankfurt, with the aim of representing companies operating in the German- Croatian economic field and in order to promote the German- Croatian economic relations which will choose the place for practical work and professional practice for students , mentorship during the implementation , organization and management of cultural activities , reporting on the implementation of the program , and the issuance of certificates of participation in mobility . The activities to be undertaken to achieve the objectives of the project will be focused specifically on improving practical skills in vocation and learning about the education and employment system of the host country . The project will result in increasing the language skills of students and raising the professional competence through professional practice performed in dental laboratories in Germany, where the students , and their teachers , will familiarize with examples of good practice which will increase capacity to work internationally. In the long term , the project aims to open a communication channel that will provide employment opportunities for Croatian dental technicians in Germany, but also higher chances of finding a job in the Republic of Croatia.
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