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Interkulturelles Sprach- und Berufspraktikum 2015
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our students have to do a compulsory work placement for 12 weeks either in an office or in the area of the hotel and tourist industry. In this work placement the students should learn to apply and to broaden the skills they have learned in school in a real work environment. We encourage them to do their work placements in other European countries, so that they - they can improve their language competences - they gain intercultural experiences (especially when working with people from various other contries) - which promotes understanding and appreciation of people of other cultures - get to know the challenges of an international labor market - get the chance to compare company structures in Austria and in other European countries - increase employability - are motivated to cooperate on a European level. The participating students will have completed their third year in our school which means they already have profound skills in the areas of service and restaurant. They also have a basic knowledge of organisation and management. Their command of English is fairly good (B1). They have also studied French or Italian for 3 years. 11 students have applied to take part in the project. The partner organisations will employ the participating students in the areas of service, kitchen or rooms. Process: - first all students have been informed and advised about the aims of the work placement and the duties of the participants - then they chose the receiving organisation on their own (contracts were signed by the parents) - when they start theiri placements they will be advised by the employees in the receiving organisations - the students have to keep record of their duties and working times regularly - at the end they have to write reports and discuss their experiences with the teachers in school - the administrative part of the programme is taken care of and finalised by or coordinator Alfred Tieber Aims and goals: - to improve their practicla skills in the area of service an restaurant - to gain insights into the international labor market - to improve language skills - to get insights into organisations and management structures - to motivate students to take part in further activites abroard

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5 Partners Participants