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Interkultureller Kompetenzerwerb durch Auslandsaufenthalte
Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At the moment, the BBS in Buxtehude is working on its mission statement and the school curriculum. A new focus in the strategy of the school is the internationalisation and European orientation. Our school is just starting to integrate the European thought process into school life.This project is intended to integrate the idea of life-long learning into the lesson plans as well as bringing education together with the concept of European mobility. Keeping globalisation in mind, it is important for our school to offer international educational content and to take into consideration the needs of young adults in their transition from school into working life or further studies. Therefore, it is important that the students receive the possibility of gaining key qualifications and competencies that they will need for their future employment, and which support the intercultural dialogue. Through a change of their place of study, the students should be able to improve their professional skills in the European job market and use this chance to extend their professional network into the international job market. In addition, this should improve their awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, and, in the end, strengthen the attractiveness of the training professions and the BBS. Through the mobilities of the teaching personnel, professional, linguistic, and partnership structures are to be created, which in the next step will be passed on to our students. The goal is to animate the students to attain and develop intercultural insights, skills, and competencies by using new and more flexible teaching methods. In this context, international contacts and potential partnerships are to be established with other educational and industrial institutions. The project includes 22 mobilities for students. 14 students from the trade school for economy and information technology will attend the BBS in Buxtehude, and within the framework of their internship, they will take part in a four-week stay in France or Lithuania. It is planned that the students complete the foreign internship in groups of two to six students together in the fall of 2016/17. Eight electronics and mechatronics students will complete a three-week foreign traineeship in Spain or UK during their block lesson time. Potential participants apply for a foreign internship. After checking their eligibility, and in consideration of personal and linguistic competencies along with consultation with their teachers, training companies, and parents, the framework requirements such as learning agreements, organisational aspects, and intercultural preparation will be organised. Before the internship starts, the students will fill out a questionnaire about their expectations concerning the foreign internship. After the internship, the students will fill out another questionnaire, which will be the basis for the evaluation of the project.12 mobilities are planned for teaching personnel. Six mobilities are accompanying teachers for the underage trade school students; these teachers are at the same time their classroom teachers. Two teachers will travel to Spain for the trade department. The primary goal in Spain is to establish modular components for professional education in the area of electronics with the partner institution in that location, and which comply with the training requirements according to the ECVET framework structure and traineeship regulations. Two technical theory teachers will investigate potential Danish partners with the goal of establishing a partnership as well as the content for potential internships. With the two mobilities for the UK, the authentic usage of the foreign language is to be solidified and a comprehensive understanding of the British educational system, as well as contacts to economic institutions, should be established.From a professional and personal view, the student delegates profit from their foreign traineeship in the long run, and the extended stay in a foreign country serves to improve the so-called hard and soft skills. This includes finding their way around in a foreign environment and being flexible in a multicultural sense. The students will find it easier to adapt to the globalised working world and to extend their job search to European job market. The foreign traineeship should, in addition, enable them to participate in intercultural negotiation situations and to pass on the competencies they have gained to other students at the BBS in Buxtehude. For the companies as well as for the BBS Buxtehude, it is a worthwhile goal to align the educational offer internationally, and thereby attract better-qualified students, thus strengthening the attractiveness of professional education.
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