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Interkulturelle Kompetenz für kaufmännische Auszubildende
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "intercultural competence for trainees in commercial professions" enables trainees in different jobs to take part in a 2-week work experience programme in a placement relevant to their apprenticeship. Participants are the beneficiaries, their employing companies in Germany and the companies providing the internship in Great Britain. Moreover there is the Theodor-Heuss-School and TWIN as receiving organisation. Additionally, there is the IHK (=Chamber of Commerce) in Reutlingen which supervises and certifies the students' professional training. The increasing internationalisation of the companies and universities in the Neckar-Alb-Region leads to the fact, that even smaller and middle-sized businesses have to adapt to a growing number of international clients. It is therefore more and more important for our trainees to enhance their foreign language skills, practical skills and intercultural competence. The aims of the project comprise the following aspects: Deepening and expanding practical and theoretical skills gained in the apprenticeships and at vocational school by applying them in an English company. Acquiring knowledge about British economy and in particular about the sector of the internship company. Getting to know the English culture and way of life. Gaining an insight into regional economic developments and their history in the London area. Last but not least the development of their oral and written communication skills in a foreign language. After returning to Germany the participants will recognize similarities and differences in the work routines in German and British companies. During their further education and personal development they will benefit from their participation in the project because of their enhanced theoretical and practical competences. Moreover they will be ambassadors for a united Europe, as they have personally experienced the benefit of the European Union for their own lives. The project will take place in the London area. In total 20 trainees participate. The results of this project will be spread through the local press, the school's website as well as through presentations hosted at Theodor-Heuss-School. There will also be events in cooperation with the European Network Neckar-Alb. This ensures that a broad regional, overregional and even international audience will be reached.

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