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Interkulturelle Bildung im Kontext der Mehrsprachigkeit - Möglichkeiten und Ressourcen zur Förderung von früher Mehrsprachigkeit in einem länderspezifischen Vergleich von aktuellen Bildungsrahmenplänen.
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

30 and 26 students, respectively of the final BAKIP*-Wr. Neustadt classes will be the beneficiaries of the scholarship to fund this project which spans the school years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. The idea of the project is to offer a compulsory two weeks? hands-on-training to students in bilingual and non-bilingual day-care facilities in Berlin to broaden their specific professional and personal competencies while gathering international work experience on a European level and thus improve teaching standards. In the fifth grade, two weeks of hands-on training are provided within the subject "Kindergartenpraxis" (practical kindergarten work experience). The school management welcomes and supports such international experience, the focus of which is to enable the students to engage in various approaches to multilingual teaching within a different educational system. It may further capacitate them to compare their experience to the ?diversity focus? of Austria and to feed it back into their own work and to heighten the educational quality of Austrian nursery schools. The goal of this two week transnational internship is to significantly enhance the professional training as well as the expertise of the students, functional excellence, social and self-competencies, by fully involving the students in the everyday KITA* work routine where they will face a variety of educational foci. The professional qualifications will raise the students? awareness of their own as well as of foreign cultural values and attitudes, of global complexity and interdependence. The ability to cope with stress and to deal with contradictions and conflicts when communicating and interacting as their culture prescribes it, and to develop empathy for individuals from a foreign culture, is an integral component of social competence. The ability to analyze one?s own as well as foreign cultures and to consciously fashion one?s encounter with the ?other? is vital in the training of any kindergarten pedagogue. We will make provisions for the students to be continually supervised in the KITAs during their internship in Berlin by allocating trainers (Mag. Martina Stoll, Sandra Hollub and two more teachers) and personal mentors to attend to them. The results of the projects will be evaluated and disseminated inside and outside the respective schools. Part of the plan is to issue a europass-mobility-certificate. The first mobility period stretches from 8-21 November 2014, the second from 7-20 November 2015. The target group consists of 30 and 26 students of the terminating BAKIP-Wr. Neustadt classes of 2014/2015, or 2015/2016, respectively. This will be the fifth year of professional kindergarten training for the potential scholarship holders, who can additionally qualify as day care educators and early education trainers. This course closes with a (University entrance) diploma. The present educational level of the students is high and they have sufficient professional experience to master the challenges involved in working abroad. Their first and foremost need is to improve their professional capabilities by working with educational and didactical approaches of multlingualism in a different educational system in a German-speaking country. They should then be able to compare their experience with early foreign language acquisition in Austria and the development of identity that corresponds to it. Intercultural education is vital when humans of various nations cooperate, which is why it has become an integral part of the KITAs? daily work. This is the best possible prevention of xenophobia and racism. Due to the social changes brought about by migration, the evolution of intercultural competencies has become crucial for a qualified kindergarten pedagogue. By intercultural competence we mean the capacity for appropriately orienting oneself (and acting) when different cultures meet. Good communication and being able to reflect on the affective proportion of interactions with migrants are at the root of this ability. The willingness to communicate and to interact, however, is the key factor, and the potential grant recipients will also have to overcome their own prejudices against foreigners. *Bildungsanstalt für Kindergarten-Pädagogik (Academy for Nursery School Teaching) **Kindertagesstätte (day-care facility for children)
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