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Interkulturelle Berufsbildung - Praxiserfahrung im europäischen Ausland
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus+ Mobility-Project "Intercultural vocational education - practical experience in European countries" of Richard-Riemerschmid- Berufskolleg pursues four different objectives within the vocational education of creative professions with the means of internships abroad: 1. Increase of vocational mobility of the students due to improved foreign language competencies. 2. Development and consolidation of the students' individual standards and values due to examination of foreign cultures as foundation for working in creative professions. 3. Expansion of the students' intercultural competencies in order to facilitate the integration into the labor market not only nationally but also internationally. 4. Development of professional skills and techniques and expansion of individual professional competences. The achievement of these four objectives will foster the development of the students' personality development. The students will raise their self-confidence due to feeling their self-efficacy. Additionally the students will experience the diversity and the common ground of the various European cultures. This will help to nurture the idea of a common European identity. RRBK designed this mobility project for two different forms of vocational education: for full-time school-based vocational education program "gestaltungstechnischer Assistent" (design assistant) and for variuos dual-system vocational education programs. RRBK plans to send 26 design assistant students abroad in order to conduct their mandatory 12-week-internship (or parts of it) in one of the European countries. Additionally RRBK plans to send 16 students of various dual-system vocational education programs and two tutors abroad to execute an optional (minimum) 14-days-internship in companies throughout Europe. Especially this part of the project focusses students that do not belong to classical target groups of transnational projects. As a result of a multiple step application procedure RRBK will select suitable students and prepare them for the sojourn abroad. Special attention will be paid to intercultural preparation. During the internship all students will be coached by mentors within the companies, by mentors from the partner institutes and supervised by staff of RRBK. Within the internship period students will start producing short project reports that will be published on the RRBK website and in the RRBK newsletter. Additionally apprenticeship companies at home will be informed periodically. Besides the added value for students RRBK will use the Erasmus+ Mobility Project to enhance and sharpen its international profile. Additionally this project will promote vocational education in general.

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