Visual handicaps (blindness or partial-sightedness) are a serious problem for manyEuropean citizens of all ages that can hinder their social and/or professional integration,and cause many difficulties in their daily lives. Different generations face differentobstacles, but also have different skills.Being unable to master new technologies and communication tools such as Internet,software or mobile phones tends to exclude many older blind and partially-sightedpeople from our digital society; however, these groups have developed skills to live theirdaily lives, such as cooking, using domestic appliances, raising children, and so on.While young blind or partially-sighted people are familiar with the new technologies, theyfind it hard to live an independent life. Indeed, they often put off doing their daily choressuch as shopping, reading mail, and so on, by themselves.The partners of the "INTERGEN" project aim to create a model framework for themutual transfer of experiences and skills between young and older blind or partiallysightedpeople. More specifically, the aim is to develop an approach, content andteaching materials to implement "intergenerational skill-sharing workshops" to enablethese two generations of blind or partially-sighted people to pass on their informaleveryday skills and learn new ones. The ultimate aim is to strengthen the relationsbetween generations within this vulnerable social group and help them to become moreindependent, improve their quality of life and be fully active citizens.