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"Interest representation and policy-making in the European Union”
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main goal of the Module is to promote excellence in teaching and research in EU studies, particularly in the EU interest intermediation system and the policy making process. The Module consists of two new courses (at Master level) that will enhance knowledge on interest representation in the EU, develop practical skills and civic activity. The courses aim to provide an advanced level of understanding of the role of civil society and stakeholders in the creation and implementing EU policies. It is a new specific EU subject and courses will develop a pool of well-qualified, future professionals, able to understand the complexity of the EU. The courses will be obligatory for students of international relations and public policy faculties, and optional for students of economics. The Module will refer to 80 students and will consist of 64 hours per year. The courses are based on interactive methods and the teacher will strongly encourage the development of a critical mind-set. The interactive methods will stimulate students to be more active, improve attendance and double both engagement and learning. In every year there will be organized two lectures within the Festival of Science that will be with open access for all interested people. The excellence of research will be ensured by doing qualitative and quantitative analysis in cooperation with Jean Monnet professors, practitioners and policy makers, publication of book and articles in prestigious journals, encourage the research results into teaching of students. The outcomes of the research project as well as conference papers, materials for students and their papers will be accessible on the Module website.The impact of the Module will be far-reaching on studying and research in Warsaw School of Economics and we can expect that there will be created a community of professors, students, practitioners and policy makers that can cooperate for deepening knowledge on the EU interest intermediation system.

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