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Intercultural Communication through Mobility
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this project, "Fostering Intercultural Communication through Mobility", our aim is to improve staff competences through high quality training courses. We chose this projet because we believe that European cooperation including mobility, exchanges and mutual learning has strong benefits to individuals and European Community, contributing to building of a common European identity. Our staff needs a professional training in the field of education, intercultural communication and foreign mobility because our school had experienced the participation in many Comenius projects. But the needs of our students are always different so we intend to improve our teaching methods in order to face to new European projects. This requires a good knowledge of language competences, of the European dimension and of interactive teaching methods. Teachers who participate in the training courses, deepen their language skills and this will be a useful opportunity to update their knowledge on intercultural exchanges. The activities of European mobility could contribute to introduce a new type of educational approach that promotes active learning and engages interactive relationships because it is based on the direct witness of people belonging to other cultures. These training courses can help our staff to know the cultural and human wealth of each others and integrate it in a new multicultural and multiethnic society. The project starts from the needs and interest of the staff participating and aims to make themselves promoters of their own development in order to promote an active European citizenship. The staff involved in this project (20 participants) wants to open to knowledge and understanding of the processes that have generated their own and others' cultures, recognizing their value. It wants to stimulate the discovery and understanding of owning and sharing common values in relation to human rights and improving cooperation practice for work to be shared with European colleagues. Moreover, the staff involved wants to collect materials useful for their training and professional careers. Then it could organize these materials for students to enrich the quality of education in schools and equip young people to live and work successfully in a global society. All this could raise standards, improve outcomes in teaching and learning and introduce and embed an international dimension in the curriculum. The partnership activities will be: 1) Evaluation of objectives and guidelines (coordinator institution and partner) 2) Identification of the institutions/organizations involved in the project (coordinator institution and partner) 3) Planning of an operating programme (coordinator institution and partner) 4) Presentation of the partnership to the participants (coordinator institution) 5) Predisposition of needed materials: questionnaires and other research criteria about the Intercultural Communication through mobility (coordinator institution ) 6) English courses for all the participants (coordinator institution) 7) Individuation of research/analysis criteria (coordinator institution) 8) Exchange and evaluation of the collected data (coordinator institution and partner) 9) First training course in Malta. 10) Comparative analysis of the critical and positive aspects/contents of the meeting (coordinator institution and partner) 11) Intermediate evaluation (coordinator institution and partner) 12) Collection of the produced data/documentation (coordinator institution) 13) Second training course in Malta 14) Synthesis of the produced results (coordinator institution and partner) 15) Spread of the produced results. The different and specific peculiarities of the involved partners will represent successful elements for effective communication and cooperation and, generally, for the outcome of the project. The partners will communicate in English by mail or by telephone. Communication between partners will be very important to plan contents and didactic methodology. Contents, procedures and methods of work will be realized from the first meeting between teachers and trainers, so as to start and promote the application of the project. Communication between participating teachers will be promoted to know better each others, to exchange ideas and opinions, to compare experiences. We could create a dedicated website - to be progressively updated with the contributions of each involved institution/ organisation- as a fundamental operating element of the project. The expected impact on the participants will be to increase and improve the information materials concerning the cultural heritage of the community of the partner. They will improve their knowledge of English language. Moreover the participants will encourage integration and creating a network among European partners as a part of the project.

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1 Partners Participants