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Interactive Learning and Caring in Community

The aim of the project is the development of a curriculum for further vocational training for community based care for elderly people with mental health diseases, mainly people with dementia. The project aims to give a contribution to the re-organisation of community based services and networks through the development of an innovative and interactive training concept for community based dementia care. The basic aim of this project is to allow elder people suffering from a dementia disease and other mental health diseases to live a self determined life in their proper community. The partnership consists of institutes of vocational education and research from Germany, a Health Agency from Italy and Universities from Poland and Slovenia.All partners are already working with innovative approaches in the field. The project aims to transfer these concepts through a circulating exchange between the partners. The aim of ILAC is to develop a concept for further vocational training which provides the necessary qualifications for community based care – but not only for professional caregivers but as well for non-professional carers. The curriculum will consider the various needs and abilities of each of the groups and combine them. Everybody who is involved in a process of care for a person with dementia is addressed by this training. In this connection we mean care not just in the meaning of medical care, but in the sense of „being with the person“ in different life-situations and fulfilling different needs. ILAC aims to link the different experiences of the participants, to link the different roles and relationships to the person with dementia and to convert them to a common process of interactive learning. A central aspect of the curriculum is the reciprocal and shared learning of the participating groups of carers. It is based on the needs of the carers and the person with dementia and aims to combine the different resources and skills fruitfully.
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6 Partners Participants