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Intelligent Sanitary Unit for Disabled and Elderly People (ISU-DEP)
Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The project ISU-DEP aims at increasing autonomy of older people and bedridden persons, supporting care givers and restoring dignity and self-esteem in the most sensitive area of personal hygiene. The project will develop a mobile system of sanitary components for improving hygiene, care-provision and quality of life consisting of four main components: • A mobile bed-side toilet (commode) which offers WC flushing, odour-free vacuum disposal of faecal-matter, bidet-function and assistance for transfer from/to the toilet – functions which presently are offered only from stationary assistive toilets. • A bed-shower for washing a bedridden or immobile person without spilling water to the environment (the bed or the floor) using a closed-circuit system for fresh and waste water as well as applying air for drying and lotions for skin care. • A (mobile) bed side service module containing fresh water, waste tanks and power supply to support the two bed side modules. • A (stationary) docking station to serve as a central hub where the service module is automatically re-loaded and cleaned."
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5 Partners Participants