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Intelligent Diet and Lifestyles in Europe

The IDLE project intends to design, develop, test and promote a set of integratededucational activities targeting young and adult people for increasing public awarenesson health education and intelligent diet issues. This problem has acquired a paramountimportance in the last years, on the media and at political level.The activities to be launched by the IDLE project include:a) a survey on how the adult health education is addressed and delivered informal, non-formal or informal contexts in the three countries involved (Italy, Germany,Hungary). The aim of this survey is to analyse strength and weakness points of theexperiences singled out, and hence to set up a database of good practices, at disposalfor practitioners operating in this field;b) the organisation of focus groups (one per country) to investigate, and hencebetter understand, how messages on healthy lifestyles are perceived and adopted indifferent groups of society, especially by the most vulnerable and the less educated;c) the design of innovative training materials, mainly targeting adult educationteachers and managers, to be tested in specific pilot courses to be carried out in thepartner countries;d) the development of a web site for disseminating the results of the pilot actionsand making available the final version of the training materials, for downloading by allthe targeted final users (adult universities, adults training and education centres,schools, professional educators etc.) interested in promoting actions of adult healtheducation.

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