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Intelligent combustion management of flue gases for solid fuel domestic heating systems (INTELLi-FLUE)
Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Processed and poor quality solid fuels produce highly corrosive flue gases that significantly reduce the lifetime of flue liners. Coupled with increased flue gas temperatures from high efficient solid fuel stoves, flue liners are failing to reduce serious chimney fires. The Intelli-Flue solution will address the issue of highly corrosive flue gases and elevated flue gas temperatures by developing a flexible ceramic liner and an energy recovery system. The combination will enable homeowners to continue to use solid safely without risking the building and its occupants. Intelli-Flue promotes solid fuels as alternatives to oil and gas domestic heating. With concerns over energy supply set to continue Intelli-Flue will help Europe to better utilise solid fuel resources and diversify our energy mix to meet EU energy targets.
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