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Integrating Disadvantaged Ethnicities through Adult Learning
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Rationale: Large numbers of immigrants from non-western countries do not fully participate in the EU-countries of their arrival, especially uneducated women. Many among them suffer from low self esteem and low self confidence, and from various psychosomatic illnesses, which on their turn hinder their full participation in society and as such their citizenship. Many also lack the understanding and skills for child upbringing in democratic gender balanced societies. Their disadvantaged position and non-participation causes frictions in the society and could even disturb overall social cohesion. Thus, the IDEAL project will provide an effective alternative learning approach for the target group.Output: Envisaged output of the proposed IDEAL project will be a training manual for teachers to be implemented in adult education of uneducated disadvantaged immigrant women from non-western countries. The manual will be developed in the English language and be tested and evaluated as well. Teachers will be trained as well, in accordance with the manual.The manual will briefly describe the methodological background of the approach, but will primarily aim to provide tools for practical teaching. It will cover several topics and offer a wide range of exercises. Each chapter will include a brief description of the purpose of the different lessons and tasks and, accordingly, offer advice regarding the use of Language1 (mother tongue) or Language 2 (target language), methodological instructions for the teachers, and a description of risk factors. The pedagogical approach will be empathically participatory and psycho-social. It will include the double language approach of mother tongue based adult education, and Solution Focus as a technique of focusing on existing resources. Impact: we envisage a larger participation / improved active citizenship of the participants (also see levels of participation: E.3) because of improved language competences and participation skills.
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