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Integrating best practice from Europe to support and enhance the Discovery Learning programme
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project was to further develop our successfully introduced Discovery Learning, primarily in the Early Years, so that the curriculum is based on the child's interests. This is alongside the continued development of speaking and listening and reading and writing skills, ensuring that this development is rapid and leads to good outcomes for the children. The outcomes we were looking for included the children staying focused on tasks, widening their vocabulary, decoding words and applying reading skills and using these to aid writing and writing with a wider vocabulary.This unique course gave us the opportunity to develop the relevant skills and knowledge to not only improve our current performance, but to enhance the Discovery Learning model with additional ideas and methods. We have been able to combine existing teaching approaches with those promoted through the Reggio model. The training that was received enabled us to develop positive learning behaviours that can be utilised as part of their life long learning. The reason for this project was to develop our practice of Discovery Learning, which was already having a positive impact on the learning of the children and we wanted to develop this even further by looking at creative approaches to teaching in the Early Years and we were able to observe the Reggio practice. This involved 3 teachers undertaking research into creative approaches in the Early Years practice in Italy and through the school blog they recorded their findings and then upon their return they have implemented elements into their own practise as part of a piece of research to see if this helps us achieve the outcomes mentioned above. The course was a structured training course that was delivered through planned days by LEAP as the our chosen training provider. The teachers created a collaborative research model, so that information was shared between schools and between countries, through the use of ICT, and to build up a block of evidence, that is researched based, since returning. Information has been disseminated with other local schools.
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