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Integrating Apprenticeship Skills into the International Workforce
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

- Applicant organisation:Staatliche Berufsschule 2 Aschaffenburg. The project will be presented to apprentices in the logistics sector (warehouse logistics operators), retail sale and wholesalers with an emphasis on logistics processes in their second year of apprenticeship and their apprenticing companies. Those students will have access to the project and are asked to apply for it.- Partner Organisation: WorkplacementsUK, United Kingdom. The organisation is involved with the realisation of language courses, with the placement in operations side companies, with organisational issues the participants might have during their stay in Brighton and the selection of host families. - The need for the project is a result of different developments:1. The world of work is constantly changing, especially in the field of logistics, where processes, documents and organisational structures are subject to rapid change. Due to Europeanisation in logistics, those aspects are becoming more and more international and require a good command of the English language. 2. In the curriculum of vocational schools, English is being scheduled for a single lesson per week, and thus does not take those developments into account. Hence it is essential for the students' future career prospects and their personal development to enhance their foreign language skills in combination with practical work experience. Furthermore a project like this may always develop the participants' personal competences und leads to a better understanding of joint European values.3. The apprenticing companies in the logistics sector in the Aschaffenburg region have expanded their branch network in the last years beyond the German boarder and are now increasingly working with partners and customers all over Europe. Apprentices with practical work experience made in the United Kingdom are therefore, in combination with good language skills, an important gain for every apprenticing company. That is why many apprenticing companies in the Aschaffenburg region have the burning desire for some time to have the possibility to integrate a part of their apprentices' training into a work placement in the United Kingdom.4. The participants have the opportunity, while doing a work placement, to gain a deep insight into the operational procedure of a British logistics company. They will reflect processes at their apprenticing companies and hence develop their practical skills. This project offers apprentices at the Staatliche Berufsschule 2 Aschaffenburg the possibility to qualify sustainably for the future challenges on the labour market5. The one-week language course that the students attend before their work placements includes contents that are part of the curriculum as well as general language skills and will prepare them for their work placements.- Sebastian Weyres, the project leader, is going to monitor and evaluate the project in collaboration with the teaching staff of the working team "international relations" at the Berufsschule 2 Aschaffenburg and the quality management team of the school. Futhermore, Mr. Weyres is in close contact to the participants and their apprenticing companies to ensure that the project goals will be reached. - The dissemination of the project will be carried out on a regional, as well as on a national level.This application refers to a three-week project from 30th of October 2016 to 20th of November 2016 and 2017. The first week will be a language course to develop the participant's language skills and to prepare the participants for the following work-placement. The second and third week will be a work placement in a retail store or in a logistics company.The project will be taking place in Brighton, United Kingdom UK (first week) and in companies in and around the Brighton region (second and third week). Hence, the project is meant to largely improve the participants' professional competences as well as their language and social skills and, as a result, contribute to the improvement of quality of the vocational eduction in the Aschaffenburg region. After having participated in the project, the participants will have significantly improved linguistic and professional skills.In addition, the participating students, as well as the participating teachers, will develop an in-depth understanding of the country and people. Experiences that will in many ways result in interesting and motivating lessons. The Staatliche Berufsschule 2 also expects an improvement with regard to intercultural skills and methodological expertise.To summarise, the project is meant to lead to the better qualification of the students and participating teachers, while, at the same time, increasing the internationalization of the Staatliche Berufsschule 2 and the Aschaffenburg region all together.

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