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Integrated Management System: an innovative strategy at the municipal level for the policy and governance of climate change (ALICCIA)
Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Active policies are required in order to meet the new Kyoto Protocol targets (i.e., as of January 2009, EU countries have agreed to reduce their collective greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 8% from 1990 levels). In Spain, while there is overall consensus on the global need for action to combat change, there is less evidence yet that it has become a priority for action at a local level. This is set to change, following the creation of a Spanish ‘strategy against climate change’. City councils will play a leading role in changing priorities by implementing targeted measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change locally, and by raising awareness among citizens of the need for concerted action. Objectives The project’s overall aim was to help comply with the Kyoto Protocol targets by easing the management of all related climate change policies at a local level. Specifically, the project team would design and implement a provincial strategy for climate change. A control centre for climate change would be created. The centre would be responsible for capacity-building among relevant technicians and decision makers. It would be supported by an advisory board providing consultancy and assessment services throughout the project. A series of action plans to reduce greenhouse gases would also be implemented in four pilot municipalities, where a warning system (SAK) would be developed as a tool to control and manage the different variables that influence climate change locally. Data would be collected through fixed and mobile stations analysing air quality (including CO2 emissions). In parallel, public meetings, workshops and various awareness-raising activities would be organised. The project results would be disseminated to relevant organisations and administrators. Results Due to the austerity measures taken in Spain, the budget of the beneficiary (a local administration) was drastically cut. The beneficiary tried to find some alternative co-funding, but without success. For this reason, co-funding could not be ensured and the project was abandoned. As this happened at the very beginning of the project, there are no results to be reported.
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