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Integrated management of river ecosystems in southern Slovakia (LIFE RIVERMANAGEMENT)
Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The habitats of important EU Birds Directive species found in three Natura 2000 network wetland sites (Parížske močiare, Žitavský luh and Dolné Pohronie) are under threat as a result of negative water management actions and changes in landscape and land use. Unsuitable water management in wetland areas causes eutrophication and sedimentation processes leading to overgrowing with reeds and a decrease in the extent of open water. In the case of sand walls, a favoured habitat of the European bee-eater (Merops apiaster), the absence of floods means the walls are not being renewed. This in turn, leads to landslides and overgrowth of nesting walls and reduced nesting possibilities for the bird species. Another problem is that although two of the three project sites are nature reserves, there is a lack of management within the protected areas. Objectives The main objective of this project is to tackle the lack of water management in the targeted sites and to reduce the negative impacts of land-use changes on the conservation status and habitats of populations of target bird species. Expected results: The project expects to achieve the following results: An improved water regime on 530 ha of wetlands through the repair of five floodgates and one sluice; The restoration of formerly-drained wetlands on an area of 2 ha and a 1 km-length section of a branch of a river through excavation of sediment and decayed biomass; Restoration of a river branch in Žitavský luh by reconnecting the main river basin and the former river meander (separated by a dam); Restoration of 250 ha of wetland vegetation by limiting the growth of ruderal and invasive plants; Renewal of a 200 m section of nesting walls; The purchase of a total of 30 ha of land; and The elimination of disturbance and control of visitors in the protected areas and the construction of small tourism infrastructure for educational purposes will lead to raised environmental awareness amongst local people about the Natura 2000 network sites.

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