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Integrated landscape planning for sustainable use of nature resources and maintaining the biodiversity
Start date: Feb 4, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Integrated landscape planning will allow sustainable utilization of natural resources and maintaining biodiversity Achievements: The main result of the project is improvement of transport connections between Russia and Finland. The road section km 110 - km 160 of the Loukhi-Suoperya road is the only access from the territory of the Republic of Karelia via the Suoperya border crossing point to Finland.Planned results of the project were achieved. The section of km 110-160 was brought to the standard transport and operational condition. Due to the improved condition of the road, the average traffic speed on the road has increased to 60-90 km/h and the travel time has decreased. Also safer conditions for cargo and passenger traffic were created and therefore the number of accidents on the road is expected to decrease.The repair of the road significantly influenced the life quality of citizens of the border regions. Before the project, poor road infrastructure affected negatively on business development in the target regions. Since the project is completed, the residents of border regions get benefit from increased service quality of international carriages, improvement of employment prospects and decrease of environmental load.
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  • 50%   214 600,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Karelia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants