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Integrated fumes depuration and heat recovery system in energy intensive industries (H-REII DEMO)
Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Energy intensive industrial processes (iron, steel and cement production, glass making, etc.) emit heat and carbon dioxide (CO2) into the environment. The power installed in these processes, usually hundreds of megawatts, along with resistances due to technological and non-technological barriers, has negatively influenced the introduction of more energy efficient systems that are able to recover effluents for energy production and CO2 reduction in energy intensive industries (EII). Objectives The project aims to develop and study a heat recovery system, completely integrated into a fume extraction plant, by using water in a closed loop for cooling waste fumes, and operating at a higher temperature and pressure than traditional methods (150-200°C instead of 50-80°C). This is expected to lead to a significant reduction in total power consumption and an improvement in the performance of the fume depuration plant in energy intensive industrial applications (iron and steel industries, cement, glass, etc.). Using higher temperature for cooling the effluents should also make it possible to extend the life of the system components, usually perishable parts. Power generation from effluents, currently considered a waste, could drastically reduce, and in some applications eliminate, the energy consumption of fume depuration, helping to reduce CO2 emissions and other environmental impacts. Expected results: The demonstration on an industrial scale of an integrated plant for fume depuration and heat recovery, with reduced or near zero power consumption; The technological validation of heat recovery applications in energy intensive processes and the analysis of performance; The evaluation of environmental benefits related to reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Implementation of a Local Pilot Observatory (created in the LIFE+ H-REII project - LIFE08 ENV/IT/000422) concerning CO2 reduction from EII through heat recovery applications, involving both partners and scientific organisations, institutional bodies and industrial organisations; Quantification of the potential contribution of EII to GHG reduction objectives by 2020 using heat recovery. The previous LIFE project made a national estimation. The new project extends the estimation to the European level; Draft BREF and BAT schedules concerning the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive; Contribution to the development and demonstration of innovative policy approaches, technologies, methods and instruments to assist in the implementation of the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP), by involving environmental technology developers in the observatory; Draft action schedules to be inserted into the European Energy Efficiency Action Plan and the national pans for energy efficiency, and the estimation of the potential contribution to the EU’s 20-20-20 objectives; Draft action schedules for the EU CO2 reduction round tables on industrial processes; Draft legislative and license bills necessary for commissioning heat recovery power plants and simplifying practices; and Provide a basis for increasing associated employment and training environmental professionals.

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