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Integrated development of the historical riverside protection area in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia (Narva and Ivangorod historical riverside)

The main objective of the project is integrated development of the historical riverside protection area in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia; the sub-objective is creation of possibilities for integrated development of promenade areas by means of implementation of feasibility studies. At present the historical, cultural and tourist potential of this cross-border area is not used in full. So what is important and worth doing to change the present situation is to create the conditions for integrated development of the riverside area and as the first stage †to carry out feasibility studies for development of a new tourist product - promenade and recreation place for local population and tourists. Moreover it is also essential from the point of view of strengthening of the river banks, as the rapid stream of the river causes damage washing out the banks, and dilapidation of the fortresses and bastions. This project being a follow-up project of cross-border cooperation between Narva and Ivangorod continues and gives added value to the tasks set in BWC Infotour, EstRusFortTour and Narva River Water Routes projects to develop tourism in the cities. The target area of the project is not covered by the scope of the above-mentioned common projects. Narva City Government (Overall project coordinator and Lead Partner as well as Financial Manager from the Estonian side) and Ivangorod Municipality (Partner from the Russian side) are project partners. The following activities will take place to reach the sub-objective of the project: management and coordination; feasibility studies of the historical riverside area in order to revive the promenades and convert them into attractive places for local population and tourists; development of tourist products 'Historical promenades' in Narva and 'Historical promenades in Ivangorod'; awareness raising of the project activities and results. There will be organised a working seminar and a final conference for project partners and stakeholders as well. Target groups of the project are: local authorities, local population, tourists and visitors, tourist companies. The project activities include implementation of technical and economical studies that will become the basis for future construction works at the riverside.

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1 Partners Participants