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Integrated Concepts for Regional Development (INCORD)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation Integrated Concepts for Regional Development (INCORD) focuses on the promotion of integrated regional development concepts (IDCs) in the participating regions. All participating regions from East Germany and the New Member States are affected by structural problems caused in part by the transition process (e.g. co-ordinated and targeted planning processes for the construction of essential basic infrastructure, the redevelopment of old industrial and military areas or for tourist development projects). To address existing complex regional development issues, integrated bottom-up approaches are required that are based on targeted co-operation of regions from old and new EU member states. Overall objective / Objectif général The overall objective of the operation is the establishment of targeted interregional co-operation for the transfer of know-how and the exchange of experience regarding IDCs in border regions. Specifically, the participating regions, cities, development agencies and associations from Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and Estonia are striving to improve the application of IDCs through the development of transferable guidelines, good practice examples and recommendations. Sub-objectives include the optimization of institutional structures for regional development and improvements to the efficiency of Structural Fund spending. Expected results / Résultats attendus A specific inter-regional project focusing on IDCs for Border Regions is expected to have multiple benefits for sustainable and balanced regional development and the reduction of existing regional disparities. INCORD will enhance the capacity of decision makers and professionals of regional and local institutions from old and new EU member states to promote and apply IDCs in Border Regions. The project will provide specific information, expertise and guidelines for applying these innovative regional development instruments. Moreover, recommendations for efficient institutional structures, sustainable regional development through the application of IDCs, and a more efficient and targeted use of EU-funds on the basis of IDCs will be provided.

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  • 63.4%   841 637,10
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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10 Partners Participants