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Integrated Approach to Northern Watercourses and their Community Development (NorWat)
Start date: Mar 6, 2004, End date: May 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

NorWat aims to discover and disseminate information on new ways to make the best use of watercourses for the benefit of local sustainable community development. Watercourses are important features in many northern periphery regions and this project will seek to improve the inter-relationship between environmental and socio-economic well being along them. Expected Results: • Model plans of pilot communities as examples of good practice (case studies)• A detailed description of good community development planning process with special emphasis on water protection issues and water quality enhancement (Best Practice Manual)• A model of collaboration network between the participating regions and communities• Increased rural social capital, awareness and knowledge of the importance of northern watercourses• Improvement of the watercourse environment in the selected sections of the target regions for natural habitats and associated fishing economic benefit with monitored short-term results• A forum for discussion and exchange of knowledge and experience between participating countries• A best practice manual of Re-naturalisation techniques to restore and enhance riverine natural habitats with strong community benefit• Establishment of a transnational Activity Working Group to develop and design the environmental education work.
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  • 56.7%   703 041,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform

11 Partners Participants