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InteGRATEd actions to promote sustainable ToURist development (TUR.GRATE 2)
Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Feb 27, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The present project, named InteGRATEd actions to promote sustainable ToURist development - TUR.GRATE 2, in compliance with the Communication of European Commission (COM/134/06/CE) of 17 March 2006 on a renewed EU Tourism Policy, aims at improving promotion, valorisation and best fruition of cultural, agro-food and natural cross-border resources and, consequently, at reinforcing, in a sustainable way, the competitiveness of the involved Adriatic tourist destinations, belonging to the different areas of Italian, Albanian, Montenegrin and Greek Countries. In order to purchase its goals, the projects, schedules the implementation of the following activities: - realization of several animation meeting, both at cross-border and at territorial level, to involve all operators of tourist chain for the creation of a tourist product management cross-border integrated system both on public and private bases; - preparation and start up of 7 service centres , which will be able to provide different qualified tourist services to enhance the living standard of the communities involved and start up of new ones in the new project areas; - planning and consequent placement of tourist signs to individualize and promote local and cross-border resources and services; - implementation of common tools to improve agro-food and handmade products, with attention to the chain of typical production in target areas These tools will be: an analysis of cross-border typical productions and information-exchange among partners; redefinition of typical products pannier connoting target territories; elaboration of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study for each selected product; completion of management procedure of cross-border collective trademark for selected products (agro-food and handmade typical products); '- identification of pilot receptivity structures to be accompanied in an Ecolabel/Emas registration/ certification process; - programming an innovative software system in order to rationalize and qualify tourist public services network; - concrete actions for the protection of cultural (rural, artistic and archaeological) resources and heritage; - creation and promotion of new alternative thematic tourist products; - accomplishment of a cultural events Programme (art galleries with contextual restore laboratories, dance and music representations, cultural exchange events to promote historical origins and traditions); - implementation of information, communication and capitalization measures intended to arouse the interest of public opinion and stakeholders in cultural and natural values and to make them aware of the importance of actions to safeguard cultural identities.TURGRATE2 intends to overcome the local dimension of territorial tourist development policies and to make possible the creation of international cooperation network for developing a joint methodological approach to manage cultural and natural heritage.The both cross-border and territorial proposed approach, will allow to achieve the following results: tourist promotion and best practices exchange and routes for shared tourist development; joint management in international promotion of typical products (this approach couldnt be realized only in local autonomy and it becomes a pilot action to be replicated in the future on other products in Adriatic area); one-policy on qualification and innovation of tourist offer both by the side of private companies and public organizations; one-policy on cultural goods, thank to creation of a sustainable management and maintenance program, the application of it in different realities and the insertion of already identifying goods in circuits, itineraries, area products which could make good to exploit their potential appeal in other areas.

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  • 85%   2 125 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Adriatic IPA CBC (IT-SI-EL-HR-BA-ME-AL-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants