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Integracja przez Inspiracje. Pozaformalne metody edukacji narzędziem wyrównywania szans młodzieży zagrożonej wykluczeniem społecznym.
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The battle against unemployment and social exclusion of youths is one of the major challenges modern Europe has been facing. Assumptions of the Europe 2020 strategy clearly indicate the priority step aimed at improvement of the situation of young people, which is te reduction of early school leaving. Research shows that there are several factors affecting the premature leaving from the education system: poverty, lack of employment, low cultural and social capital, lack of educational aspirations in an environment of growing residence as well as limited access to institutions that are a potential source of the support. In addition to schools, institutions which are directly or indirectly involved in the process of equalization of opportunities for young people facing the risk of social exclusion are public aid institutions. Lack of the modern standards of work, institutional barriers and limited access of the personnel to the courses of professional qualifications result in an inadequacy of support offered by the mentioned above institutions to the present needs. As a result, support for families facing the risk of the social exclusion is reduced only to the financial assistance. The experience of organizations, involved in the partnership, indicates that an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of public aid institutions in the context of combating social exclusion of young people is the use of non-formal education methods. Learning through practice and experience is one of the most important tool in fostering young people's sense of self-awareness, motivation and responsibility for their own career and educational choices. The aim of the project is to increase the level of social integration of young people faced with the risk of the social exclusion through the widespread application of methods of non-formal education in public aid institutions. The specific objectives of the project are: 1. Increase the professional competence of the professionals in the field of use of non-formal education methods in working with young people faced with the risk of the social exclusion. 2. Preparation of a new form of environmental support addressed to young people at the risk of the social exclusion by adapting the methods and techniques used in non-formal education to the conditions and practices of public aid institutions. The project is addressed to representatives of public institutions working to support individuals and families excluded or facing the risk of the social exclusion (social workers, family assistants) Implementation of the objectives will be possible through a partnership of three organizations from three different countries, the European Union members(Poland, Spain and Germany), experienced in effectively combating unemployment and social exclusion, as well as in the use of non-formal education methods. Achieving it will be possible by a consistent production of the following Intelectual Outputs: 1. Online educational platform "Integration by Inspiration" - an interactive educational tool aimed at the target group of the project and others interested in the subject of the project. The platform will contain workshops programms and plans of action as well as individual interviews. They will be using a variety of non-formal methods focused mainly on: motivation for self-development, continuation of an education, career counseling, youths’ talents and passions discovering. 2. Report coming from the focus groups "Determinants of an effective support for socially excluded youths" consisiting of an analysis of the target group’s needs and the expectations in the context of the use of non-formal education methods in order to prevent social exclusion of young people. 3. E - book: "Integration by Inspiration - non-formal educational methods in working with young people faced with the risk of the social exclusion". Manual methods, tools and techniques that could be applied in a daily practice by representatives of the target groups. An important activity within the project would be training of a target group's representatives - 45 participants (15 participants from each partner country) in the practical application of manufactured tools and participation of the target group in the process of testing and evaluation. The plan of the distribution of the project’s results expects its impact not only on the representatives of the target group but also to other stakeholders having a potential and real impact to the situation of the youths: local, regional and national (in each of the partner countries) social policy makers, education experts, and, in general, personnel who is working with youth. With the compilation of the described impacts, the project will result in the wider use of non-formal education in the process of social integration of young people and in the long term would help to reduce the level of unemployment and social exclusion of young people in general.

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