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Integracja przez Edukację. Innowacyjne metody asystentury rodzinnej narzędziem wyrównywania szans rodzin zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym.
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The fight against unemployment and social exclusion is one of the major challenges modern Europe is fighting with. Integrated guidelines concerning Europe’s 2020 Strategy clearly indicate priority steps aimed at improvement of the socio-economic situation of the EU member countries. One of the guidelines indicates to "promote social inclusion and combat poverty." In order to combat social exclusion, empower a citizen’s position and promote economic activity social security systems, learning for a lifetime and inclusion policies should be reinforced in order to widen the opportunities people have at different stages of their lives and to protect them from the risk of exclusion most of all among groups at the highest risk of the social exclusion, such as single parents, minorities, people with disabilities, children and young people, elderly, legal migrants and the homeless. Preventing families from the social exclusion requires modern services to be provided by the properly trained staff within the local environment. The necessity for decision making and actions taking requires from the specialists an accurate knowledge and abilities that allow them to recognize citizens’ needs in social activities. Constant vocational development is required in the effective actions taking. Manifestations of changes in the social life require from the aid institutions an active approach towards education, knowledge gaining, educational methods development, ways of information flow activation as well as gaining and straightening of their didactic competencies. Currently in Poland, although families’ support services “Family’s assistant” have been introduced there is still a lack of developed work tools and methods of operation that in a significant way constitutes an obstacle in the professional support provided to the families.The main objective of the project is to enforce the level of the social integration of families at risk of social exclusion by the dissemination of methods used within the “Family’s assistant” project in public assistance institutions. Detailed goals of the project include: 1. Enhancement of professional competencies of social workers in the field of the use of modern methods of working with families at the risk of social exclusion. 2. Preparation of a new, adequate to the modern forms, form of the environmental support, addressed to families at risk of social exclusion, by adapting the methods and techniques used in the process of helping to the conditions and practices used in the public assistance institutions. The project is addressed to the representatives of institutions that support individuals and families socially excluded or at risk of social exclusion. Realization of the goals will be possible through a partnership with four organizations in four different EU member countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and UK) - experienced in the effective combating of unemployment and social exclusion as well as in the use of modern methods of education. Accomplishment of the goals will occur as a consequence of the creation of the following intellectual work results: 1. Online platform “Integration through education” – interactive educational tool addressed to the target group of the project and others interested. Prepared workshops and individual conversations scenarios will be placed on the platform. These will use different informal methods focused especially at: motivating family members to cooperate and solve problems independently; counselling; planning of individual paths towards social and occupational integration; talents discovering and development; case management. 2. Report from the research “Determinants of the effective support for socially excluded families” including the analysis of the needs of the target group and the expectations of the support system’s consumers. 3. E-book: “Integration through education – methodology used in families’ support”. Manual with methods, tools and techniques used in working with families - possible to use in daily practice by the representatives of the target groups. An important action of the project will be the training of 40 representatives of the target groups in the practical application of the tools produced and participation of the target group in the process of testing and evaluation. The plan of dissemination of the results of the project expects its effect not only on representatives of the target groups but also on other stakeholders who have a potential or realistic impact on families’ situations: local, regi. and national (in which of the member countries), social and educational policies makers, experts as well as widely understood staff working with families. Through the compilation of the described interactions the project will result in the wider use of the modern methods in the process of the social integration of families in the future and in the long term will help to decrease the level of unemployment and social exclusion

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