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Instytucja edukacji dorosłych na miarę XXI wieku poprzez nowoczesne zarządzanie i zastosowanie technologii komputerowych w nauczaniu.
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project 'Adult Education Institution Meeting the Requirements of 21st Century by Means of Modern Management and the Application of Computer Technologies in Teaching' was implemented in the period since 1st August, 2014, until31st July, 2015, and it lasted 12 months.The principal objectives of the project were formulated in the European Development Plan of the institution in question at the stage of submitting an application. They included:1. acquiring or perfecting abilities in the scope of company management by the management staff of the institution by means of work observation at other educational facilities in Europe, and participation in training events,2. perfecting the educational offer of Eduprofesja by drawing upon the positive examples of other European facilities, incorporating the modern tools of computer technology in teaching, and also providing offer for adult individuals at riskof social exclusion,3. acquiring or perfecting abilities in the scope of the application of modern technologies in teaching adult individuals by the management staff, and also by teachers,4. establishing and maintaining contacts with European partners, among others, in order to submit joint applications for financial means from European programmes, e.g. Erasmus+,5. ensuring the European dimension of the activities of Eduprofesja by means of close collaboration with educational institutions from other European countries,6. encouraging tolerance of different cultures, religions and lifestyles,7. making it possible for teachers to participate in training events abroad which they might not decide to attend if they had to cover their expenses themselves,8. perfecting the knowledge of foreign languages, in particular, of English.The project group of Eduprofesja was composed of 8 people. All of them conducted classes for adult individuals, and each of the group members was given an opportunity to participate in at least 1 activity (course or work observation),which was one of the assumptions behind the application.The management staff, and also teachers, participated in the following organized courses:1. 'Managing the Fast Technological Changes' /Cyprus/ 3 teachers2. 'Becoming European' /Malta/ 2 teachers3. 'Effective Use in Education' /Turkey/ 2 teachers4. 'Sharing Landscapes' /Greece/ 2 teachers5. 'Promoting the Culture of Entrepreneurship' /Malta/2 teachersAs well as in the work observation at the following facilities:1. Complex of Schools in Faro /Portugal/ 2 teachers2. School for Adults in Eibar /Spain/ 3 teachers.All the activities planned at the stage of submitting an application were completed. In some cases, they took place on dates different than originally planned, and also, in one case, in a different target location (the work observation inSpain) – however, it did not exert any influence on the principal assumptions of the project.The completed courses and work observations fulfilled their role. In their course, the participants acquired or improved the abilities and knowledge which had been determined in the European Development Plan of the institution inquestion (Points: 1,2,3,4,6 and 8).As an adult education institution, Eduprofesja established new and valuable contacts with European partners, and its activity acquired a European dimension (Points: 2,4 and 5).By means of participation in the project, the management staff, and also teachers, were encouraged to implement new and valuable solutions in the work of the institution, in its educational offer, and also in daily teaching practice.Some of them participated in the project of this type for the first time ever, and, owing to involvement in it, they understood how important European collaboration and sharing experience is. Owing to that, their sense of membership ofEuropean community became stronger, their self-esteem was raised, and their self-confidence grew. That resulted in increasing their personal and professional competences, and improved their position in the competitive labour market.Owing to its participation in the project, the institution established new and extremely valuable contacts, which may bring the good fruit of cooperation under the Erasmus+ programme.Owing to the new abilities and knowledge, it became possible to apply new technologies in teaching practice. The institution is now working on developing an online educational platform for adult individuals.

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