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Insertion professionnelle et approfondissement linguistique de jeunes cuisiniers et serveurs
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our vocational school has been certified “European school” in 2009 and is located in the suburb of Paris 30 kilometres from Southern Paris. Each year, it trains 530 cooks, waiters, wine waiters, pastry cooks, bakers, chocolate makers as well as hotel managers along with 48 vocational high school diplomas in European grade in English-language. A team composed of 60 teachers passes on the traditional values of catering careers thanks to their experience and professionalism. PROBLEMATICS: France is the first touristic destination in the world. This economic field of hotel business and catering demands qualified young people who have some professional skills and knowledge.It is essential to be fluent in English in order to know best the distinctive foreign cultures and consequently to welcome cosmopolitan customers in France or abroad. Organizing study abroad projects thanks to Erasmus+ allows us to answer this problem. OUR NEEDS: Our students must perform an internship abroad for 5 weeks. This project having a timeframe of 24 months concerns 4 groups of trainees waiters and cooks . They will do their training period in 2016, 2017 (2) and 2018 in Norway, Ireland and maybe Iceland.OUR GOALS: ● Regarding the students:-Improving their independence- Acquiring cultural openness and linguistic proficiencies,- Completing their training,- Facilitating their integration into the world of work,- Promoting the rate of success of the vocational baccalaureate (91.67% in 2015),●Regarding our school: - Contributing to implement the school programme,- Fulfilling the aims of the European class,- Complying with the demands and needs of the hotel and catering professionals,- Promoting occupational integration,- And strengthening our brand reputation.●Regarding the host companies:- Hosting work experience students,- Establishing work experiences with France,- Improving their services,- Open our doors to other European countries, - Passing on knowledge to young learners.The success of these project is based on past experiences in Norway and Ireland, 3 two-year-long Leonardo and Erasmus+ projects and 10 campaigns completed (involving 228 students on placement with the same partners), experienced project coordinators who travel along with the participants and visit the partners, the support of our school (steering committee) and one-year-preparations to get the students ready.THE PROJECT ORGANISATION: (cf. enclosed 3-years schedule)We organise our exchange programmes ourselves, without any external help, so that we can have total control.OUR PARTNERS: 6 host catering partners in Ireland, 2 fellow high schools in Norway, 1 in Iceland, 1 financial partner (the Greater Paris local authority), the resources centre Europe and a communication partner (the national cooking academy).THE FOLLOW-UP:Since we run these programmes ourselves, it is up to the organising teachers to prepare and train our pupils over the year before their departure. They also travel with them, follow their progress over the course of the programme and go back to collect them in the end. These same teachers then have those students in their English classes in the third year of BTEC National level, and can therefore assess the impact on their language skills.THE IMPACT CAN BE ASSESSED:- on the participants through greater motivation, real progress in the attitude, better use of the English language and proficiency, better exams results than non-Euroclasses pupils, wider enrolment in further education, better employability abroad.- on our catering partners through the acknowledgement of the professional and social skills of our French pupils, the requests to carry out events (such as dinners, cocktail parties…) at their venues, and the visits of catering partners’ chefs to our school after the completion of the exchange programme.- in our school : these programmes allow our pupils and our academic teachers to develop their European awareness and citizenship.NEW FURTHER PROSPECTS:We are also considering a new exchange programme in Iceland in 2017/2018 which is not mentioned in the enclosed file, the first project to be carried out from 24th January to 21st February at a new Icelandic partner, the Reykjavik Catering School. We also have projects in Italy for our pastry chef trainees, pastry chefs and in the United Kingdom for wine waiter trainees sommeliers.If these exchange programmes are actually carried out, they will be paid for thanks to the financial participation of the students’ families as well as the money saved from the expenses of the programmes mentioned in this Erasmus+ file

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