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Insertia pe piata muncii prin pregatire profesionala europeana in industria alimentara si exploatarea masinilor agricole
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ”Insertion on labor market by European food industry training and agricultural machinery exploitation” addresses a group of 28 students in the tenth grade, people in initial vocational training at Technological High School "Tudor Vladimirescu" Simian, in junior high technological profile, basic and general preparedness - Food Industry and Forestry and Agricultural Mechanics and allow them access to a quality internship in sectors of European agriculture and food industry and a real working environment, in order to enhance future employability, facilitate the transition from school to work, to exploit career opportunities, through the accumulation of skills specific to the job of European standards. Partners are companies in Portugal, AVIP - Associação do Concelho de Palmela of Viticultores, E. Leclerc, Padar MARIA DE JESUS DO AREIAS DE SILVA working with Professional Escola do Montijo with Technological High School „Tudor Vladimirescu”, promoter and organizer of reference has established a strong partnership, ECVET. The objectives are: 1. Acquiring specific technical skills in the production of bread and exploitation of farm machinery, professional experience to work in bakeries or agricultural societies - mechanical workshops for maintenance of machines used in viticulture, understanding the necessity of teamwork and rendering of quality services in terms of health and safety. 2. Improving communication skills in a foreign language, promote intercultural understanding, familiarity with the cultural values of other nations to increase participants' ability to get a job on the single European market and to integrate and live in another cultural context. 3. Developing sustainable transnational partnerships actively and effectively to help strengthen transnational mobility for learning and training in IPT internationalization. The project responding to the need to increase the performance and competence of human resources in food and agriculture, through a quality training at European level of future specialists with medium skills in the field. The project takes place over one year during which will be held 28 internships to work with a duration of 3 weeks, 19 days, 90 hours. They are a part of the obligatory training program of the participants and they correspond School Curriculum developed by the school for this module in the curriculum entitled, ,,Manufacture of bread - basic training in food” and "Knowledge tractor and agricultural machines used in viticulture” Council for Curriculum approved by the school, Administration Council - Tudor Vladimirescu Technological High School Simian and approved by CSI Mh with nr. 5552 / 09.18.2014. The internship are as it follows: 1 flow between 08.05-28.05.2015, 14 participants, 2 attendants, 90 hours of placement 2 flow between 05.06-25.06.2015, 14 participants, 2attendants, 90 hours of placement Mentoring and guidance will be done by professionals from Portuguese companies with experience in the profession and mentoring and monitoring by EPM and Tudor Vladimirescu High School by teachers with specialization in the field of training participants. RI professionally acquired by students evaluated by a committee of teachers and professionals from companies PT, RO, validated and submitted in Europas then transferred into Romania via ECVET and recognized by the school will be included in qualifying. The linguistic acquisitions will be subject to an evaluation using modern instruments provided by a language training center who helped achieve them. Through expected benefits: professional development of participants, language acquisition, the experience of living and working in another country and the long term will contribute to sustainable rural development by bringing Romanian agriculture, industry and economic, of viniviticol sector technical parameters of EU countries.

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