European Projects
Inovatyvūs mokymo(si) metodai-sėkmingas mokinių be..
Inovatyvūs mokymo(si) metodai-sėkmingas mokinių bendrųjų ir esminių kompetencijų ugdymas
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
The aim of the project " Innovative learning and teaching methods- successful development of key and general competencies" is to improve the demands of students with different learning abilities and individualize education according to the different learning styles with the help of innovative methods and ICT. The project aims to develop the key and general competencies through the project activities, international collaboration and enhance constant self-development of the teachers, according to life long learning requirements. Changes of school type, from secondary school into gymnasium, and formation of new long-term goals of the institution, give bigger opportunities to distinctive curriculum, new activities and integration of subjects. Innovative teaching and learning methods are one of the means, which could help students develop skills of independent learning and asses their own cognitive process. These methods are based on integration of different subjects, opportunities to apply new knowledge and ability to analyze own progress. 8 teachers are going to participate in qualification courses. They have been chosen according to the experience, gained in participating in international projects and events, activity in taking part in local and regional events and conferences, ability to represent the organization at international level, the knowledge of foreign language and excellent computer skills. Since one of the project's priorities is designing CLIL- 2 of the participants have more than one pedagogical speciality. It is planned to send teachers, working with different age groups of students. The team is going to be formed from the English language, history, ICT and music teachers. The project will involve such activities as : integration of different subjects' lessons, acquiring methodology gained in courses, web conference for Lithuanian teachers, designing and implementing CLIL program, forums for students and teachers, activities for primary school students, multiplier events for the gymnasium community and collegiate teaching , as sharing the course practice. Through common project activities, the gymnasium will become an institution of European level, with a unique system and distinctive educational features. Flexible and creative application of innovative methods will motivate students to learn, plan their own learning process, assess own achievements and develop key and general competencies. With the help of innovative methods students will learn to work independently , as well as analyze and present their work. During the courses, collaborating with other European teachers, common outcomes will be created. They will be used as a learning means. Designed CLIL program ( which is going to involve English and History), will be put into practice as an extra subject for the last grade students. The practical advice, how to apply CLIL program will be shared with Kaunas and Lithuania teachers. The community of gymnasium will have a real opportunity to contribute to the international collaboration through the project activities. In order to modernize curriculum, well developed opportunities of international collaboration and acquired knowledge will provide a chance to become not only the partner of the Project, but a coordinating institution as well.