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Inovatyvių metodų ir mokymo priemonių taikymas ugdant 7-18 metų amžiaus mokinių inžinerines kompetencijas
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The priority of Vilnius Engineering Lyceum is the quality of engineering programs, permanent growth of teachers’ general, vocational and engineering competence. Both the teachers and the students 'engineering competence is developed in just two years, so teachers lack experience of using ICT, knowledge about innovative methods for developing engineering competencies. The main goal of this project - teachers acquire and adapt new competencies (knowledge, abilities and skills), especially regarding information technologies, in their lessons, as well as new, active and innovative teaching methods. The planned number of participants is 16 teachers, 12 will go to the training courses and 6 will do job shadowing. The ambition of these teachers is to renew and deepen the general and subject-specific competencies, a strong internal motivation to learn and share best practices, interests and initiative in line with the organization's strategy. These teachers are active and participate in school life also in the process of change of the school as an organization. Throughout the project, the information about the it’s objectives, the expected results will be presented in the school's website as well as methodological training will be organized in groups, workshops on new teaching methods, classes will be held in open cycle on the use of ICT in schools for our teachers, Lithuanian teachers. The project provides for the dissemination of results to parents during meetings, in the press, the website and will also be published in a booklet. We will carry out the monitoring and evaluation of activities. It will be carried out a questionnaire of students and teachers, teachers' lessons will be observed. In order to successfully implement the project, the project will establish a professional administration, coordination team with experience, high competence of organizing and executing the agreed activities. The project's main administrative staff will consist of the project leader and financier. They will be responsible for the administration of the project during all the implementation period. Also activities coordinator and the other needed individuals (mentors) will be included. This group will monitor the implementation of the project, selection of teachers, adjust the changing results and address emerging issues. Quality assurance will set up a working group which will monitor the project. Monitoring and evaluation will be carried out at various stages of the project and will be linked together, because monitoring will provide information and analysis. It is expected that after the training courses teachers gain a lack of competences in information technology, pedagogy and didactics, methods of management, development of environment important to the institutions activities, improving the Lyceum education quality and implementation of the tasks. The courses will strengthen the willingness of teachers training, their confidence in the development of these results and the uptake of professional activities. Teachers will actively cooperate with other teachers in developing and using a variety of learning environments. Teachers will improve their ability to communicate in English, be actively involved in development of international project and implementation of cooperation with foreign partners. In the long term, short-term mobility will have a significant impact on the strategic development of the Lyceum, the development of the office of internationalization, promote understanding of multiculturalism and influence the improvement of curriculum content. Lyceum will become more modern, dynamic, with more professional environment. Mobility programs will gain new ideas, integrate best practices, new approaches to everyday activities. The school become more open to interaction with organizations active in social, education and employment. It will provide strategic planning of the development of staff professional, taking into account their individual needs and the organization's strategic goals. Students will be actively involved in the educational process in the classroom of different activities. Increase students’ motivation, there will be students' educational quality, excellence, learning outcomes. The students will experience success in learning, joy. Sschool will support initiatives to cooperate with foreign partners, will be able to develop and implement an effective policy of personnel that ensures the quality of education. European dimension will increase, the sharing of best practice will be held across Europe. And that will result the prestige of school, improve the school's image. Implementation of the project will have an impact at national level. Lithuania will expand the engineering school network. Our school will advise, provide methodological assistance, share experience on how to work with innovative teaching methods and means of developing engineering competencies to the newly emerging engineering schools.
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