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Inov@r com Tecnologias Interativas
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the last years we have been witnessing in Portugal as well as in Europe a growing number of initiatives aiming at implementing the use of information and communication technologies in the learning contexts. The Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde is an example of school organization that has been involved in the development of projects in this specific area. Thus we consider it to be important to keep on investing in the training of our human resources, widening their knowledge and practices. With this project we are aiming a group of teachers from the Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde, who have already worked on finding solutions for educational technology to be integrated in the classroom, to keep on with the main aim of this project called Inov@te with interactive technologies. These teachers will be given the opportunity to reflect upon what we have already built in this area and come up with suggestions and recommendations for the use of interactive technologies at the Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde. The 8 candidates will be selected according to their profile and act as dissemination agents of all the knowledge that will be gathered. Therefore, after conclusion of the project they will train other teachers of the Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde. The proposed activities (cf. item H. of the form) will be developed around the potential of interactive technologies (the interactive whiteboard and the tablet) in improving the quality of learning of the students. The development of the project will be staged and kept under constant assessment so as to allow the integration of its aims in the classroom routines and practices of all the participants. The project coordinator will do regular monitoring through a collaborative work platform, and face-to-face meetings for carrying out planning and organizing of activities. Commitment, participative and intellectually active attitudes, knowledge and experience sharing will be valued and expected from all participants with responsibilities in the project, as well as coming up with proposals aiming at finding solutions for the challenges. We expect the participants, while building a Recommendation Plan for the use of interactive technologies at the Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde, to contribute for the effective and innovative use of technology in the learning and teaching process. The participants of the Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde will be in better conditions to plan and better prepare children and adolescents for their future. We expect that in future actions everyone will be able to save time and money, improve learning and teaching and share their best practices.

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