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Иновативната икономика в туризма и морската индустрия - поле за изява на младежки бизнес лидери
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " Innovative economy in tourism and marine industry - a platform for young business leaders " of Private Trade School - Varna is aimed at creating entrepreneurial skills of 10 students of XI and XII grade studying in " Banking " and “Customs and tax control” . The idea of the project includes the implementation of mobility for training and practice of students in provided by the partners "Training to Malta" jobs in companies of the tourism industry and the maritime economy of Malta. The visit to this popular tourist and sea country covers the period 26/03/2015 to 10/04/2015 and includes work in a real working environment in to the following companies: Cme group, Valletta sms Group, Valletta Tourism school, Bujibba Hotel, Chamber of tourism Malta, St.Julians public tourism office, Labor office in Malta, Central Customs Office. The partnership aims to present the Maltese experience in management , leadership, decision making process , recruitment, training and working with documents in the micro, small and medium enterprises engaged in tourism, maritime industry or outsourcing activities in these areas. The Students need this mobility, to develop themselves as professionals, to monitor innovative entrepreneurial ideas and to learn about the traditions in this area in a major tourist destination and maritime country like Malta. The strategic objective of the project is to create people with original ideas that can apply the experience gained from the mobility and to take up a job as young managers in tourism and shipping, to engage in the pursuit of their own entrepreneurial ideas, remain in Bulgaria, and supporting the development of regional economy providing employment for other young people. Project activities include the selection of the target group of the principle of transparency and clarity of the results. The preliminary preparation of the target group is to ensure the quality of practice in Malta mobility and promotion of project activities after returning to Bulgaria in the maritime cluster in Varna. The methodology of the project management activities includes responsible planning, management of time, quality , communication and the risk according to the experience of the two partner organizations , proper planning of resources and effective monitoring system and reporting the activities according to the requirements and rules of the program " Erasmus +" . Plan for dissemination include promoting the financial support of the "Erasmus +" program, through information events at the beginning and end of the project to representatives of teachers, parents and business that operates in the field of tourism and the marine industry. Students proposed the creation of the Facebook page of the project in which to present mobility and promote their original business ideas. This Facebook page can become a place for fresh innovative ideas drawn from experience and refracted through the original thinking of young people who want to help Bulgaria to develop and make progress in line with modern European trends.

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