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Inovācijas profesionālajā izglītībā
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the National Reform Programme of Latvia “Europe 2020” for the strategy implementation it is established that Latvia’s goal is to promote growth and employment providing a high level of employment at 73% until 2020, including better adequacy of the qualifications and skills for the requirements of labor market.Considering the priorities listed above DMC has devised its own strategy. By creating DMC focused on long–term work, we realize the importance of this project for the development of the city, region and country. It is important for us to learn from the examples of a good practice in Europe, to adopt and improve innovative methods not only for our school, but we are ready to share our expierence with others.Increased competition in the field of employment contributes increasing of the labor market's requirements. Young people with poor knowledge and skills that can not find a job in Latvia have to leave for work abroad but their knowledge and skills are insufficient for developed labor markets in Western Europe therefore they have to perform unskilled work. More qualitative vocational education and acquisition of skills that correspond to European standards would expand opportunities for students from DMK to find their place in EU, including the labor market of Latvia. The activities of the project are aimed to development of new innovative experience in Europe for the specialists and students involved in vocational education and training in areas supported by DMC that will contribute to their professional and personal development, intercultural and foreign languages competences. The project consist of two directions: exchange of experience in Praha, CZ (1) and Magdeburg, DE (2). 1.Goals of exchange of experience: (1) to ensure the development of innovations and improvement of competences in area of vocational education for the participants; (2) to familiarize the participants of the project with the quality management in vocational schools; (3) to find out the principles of cooperation between health care institutions and vocational schools within the framework of the vocational education in comparative perspective; (4) to learn experience of the school participating vocational education fairs cooperating with partner's institutions; (5) to develop new innovative methods of creating the library; (6) to strengthen the capacity of the participants of the project upgrading the vocational programms and methodological developments; (7) to improve the participants’ foreign language skills.2. The goals of students practice: (1) to develop and strengthen professional skills corresponding to European standards, thus increasing professional possibilities and competition for involvement in the European labor market; (2) to learn the latest technology and methods in chosen profession in practice; (3) to link theoretical knowledge with the practice in foreign health care institutions; (4) to contribute to the development of personal qualities such as activity, mobility and sociability; (5) to improve opportunities for social integration of students; (6) to improve students’ professional language skills and their intercultural competences. Task team on the exchange of experiences: 4 specialists of vocational education and training and practice leaders; one person responsible for vocational education (librarian); 2 managers; 1 HR specialist.Task team on the practice of students: 8 students (nurse assistant).The partners of the program: Medical school in Praha (CZ) and Magdeburg City Council (DE).As a result participants of the project will fulfill all goals of the project. Project implementation will affect the long-term development of the DMC in future.

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