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Innowacyjny, kreatywny, nowoczesny nauczyciel – kluczem do sukcesu ucznia "Innovative, creative, modern teacher- the key to the student's success"
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is aimed to 8 teachers of general and vocational subjects and 4 teachers of management team of Zespół Szkół Zawodowych Nr 2 in Starachowice. The beneficiaries are long-term employees with a lot of pedagogical experience. The project is addressed to school needs. Our school makes a lot of effort to increase its attractiveness in vocational education and improve its quality. The most important aspect of our efforts is a teacher who is competent, open-minded, mobile, creative, what is more, the teacher knowing foreign languages and is acquainted with a labour market. The project aims at improving language and vocational competence of the teachers. They need to learn and implement new pedagogical methods with the use of modern information and communication technologies which are used in other countries. According to the project, the teachers will attend English language course and job shadowing in a partner school. What is more, the project is intended to encourage teachers to implement innovations in vocational education. It aims to develop competence in accordance with European standards. The teachers will get to know Spanish educational system, especially in the field of vocational training. The project creates an opportunity to exchange the information on how to implement the European Credit System for Vocational Education-ECVET. The foreign training is one of the forms of upgrading and broadening the teachers’ skills who also attend different courses, workshops and methodological conferences. They are specialists in their fields and will willingly share their skills and experience with the teachers from the partner school. The project will increase the teachers’ competence in English language, improve the communication with the partner and, as a result, the exchange of experience will be more efficient. Improving English language skills will make it easier for the teachers to use Internet available free tools and materials. Most of them require the knowledge of English language: Khan Academy, Pow Toon (creating multimedia presentations, using a wide range of template), Learning (creating interactive applications to use in class), Glogster (visual learning platform), Zondle ( digital games) etc. It will also facilitate the use of e- Twinning platform, which will enable the teachers and students to exchange information and materials and also improve communication. An observation of e-register use in the partner school as well as talks with teachers will create a positive attitude towards the new tool which helps the teacher to work and communicate with parents. The partner school of the project is IES Virgen de Vico, which has been an educational centre in Arnedo for a long time.
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