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Innowacyjność nauczania języka obcego w zróżnicowanym środowisku szkolnym.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our organisation is applying to the National Agency in Warsaw for the funding of school staff mobility projects within Action 1 of Erasmus+ programme. All mobilities are aimed at modernisation and internationalisation of our school mission through integrating exceedingly capable students with those displaying learning difficulties and disabilities within the same learning/teaching environment; another purpose of the school management is to introduce content and language integrated learning project into school curriculum next year, based on teaching physics and mathematics through English.The project in question encompasses 18 months and comprises four mobilities : two 14-day- long mobilities to Bell Teacher Campus in Cambridge in 2016 and two others, also lasting 14 days, to Pilgrims at the University of Kent at Canterbury in 2017. Project participants are experienced teachers working full time, keen to develop professionally as well as personally . Both are gifted linguistically and highly skilled as far as their methodology approaches are concerned. They do believe that teachers of today cannot stand still, and both have participated in mobility projects in previous years: taken part in teacher training courses abroad (Ms Aleksandra Kubera) and in job shadowing (Ms Maria Meyer).With steadily growing numbers of students with learning difficulties and disabilities, our school experiences a shortage of highly qualified teachers who would cater for these students' needs and embrace difference in the classroom through adapting their teaching to various learning styles or/and applying innovative approaches like Multiple Intelligences or Neurolinguistic Programming. We expect that Ms Kubera's mobility and her active and committed participation in two teacher training courses "The Inclusive Classroom" in Cambridge and " Special Needs and Inclusive Learning" in Canterbury will improve her skills to bridge the ability divide through practical classroom strategies, which - after every mobility closes - will become disseminated inside our instutution, and monitored and evaluated by the school management.In September 2016 we are starting to teach science subjects through English to groups of linguistically gifted students . Content and language integrated learning has never been part of our teaching routine. This is why we hope Ms Meyer will receive her training and gain necessary qualifications through participating in a language and methodology course : "Content and Language Integrated Learning. Secondary School Education Staff" in Cambridge in 2016, and will subsequently improve on her newly-gained skills by attending "CLIL: Content and Methodology for Secondary Teachers" in Canterbury in 2017. In this way our institution will win a highly- qualified CLIL teacher who, in turn, will dissipate her knowledge and expertise through inside training aimed at other science teachers. We are also planning to dissipate the mobility results among other schools in the area, particularly those managed and financed by Starostwo Powiatowe in Wejherowo.Long-term advantages of the mobility project in question will be manifested in catering for the needs of diverse students: those with learning disabilities as well as those exceptionally gifted . Reinforcing educational potential within both groups is expected to lead to creating and sustaining an inclusive learning environment in which every student will thrive and feel motivated to develop their talents and abilities.

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