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„Innowacyjne technologie, innowacyjne nauczanie i intensywna integracja”
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Innovative technologies, innovative teaching and intensive integration” includes predominantly foreign training trips, introducing innovative teaching methods and working out the aid programme for the children and families of repatriates, emigrants and refugees. The group of fifteen appointed employees of the 53 Primary School in Cracow will participate in language courses in Great Britain and Malta, where their qualification will be acquired. Thanks to the project, the school will gain well trained staff with extensive interpersonal and intercultural competence. Modernisation of the curriculum and adjusting it to the students’ needs and possibilities, using modern teaching tools, finally international cooperation are additional aim of the project. It is also intended for including the socially excluded, promoting the linguistic diversity and intercultural awareness, developing a sense of European citizens and European identity of pupils as well as strengthen the European dimension of the school and its international reach. Fifteen qualified educational employees will join in the project, among which are English, History and PE teachers, early school education teachers together with educationalists school team managers and a secretary. Apart from the language courses taken by the participants of the project, the most essential activities undertaken will be oriented towards the children and families of emigrants and refugees. It is highly significant to reduce educational and communicative problems the teachers face while working with those groups of people. Preparatory actions will be taken to acquaint the participants going abroad with the most important linguistic and cultural customs of the countries they will visit. Having accomplished the courses, evaluative actions will be carried to collect key data on the outcomes of completed trainings and actions carried out.Finally, the measures to spread and share the knowledge will be taken. Thus will be done throughout workshops, discussions, pedagogical innovations, evolution surveys and reports.It is believed that thanks to the project the school will gain better qualified staff which will eagerly participate in actions taken by the institution. New methods such as CLIL or eTwining will be carried out during the lessons. Establishing relations with new partners from abroad and students having contact with their foreign peers will lead to spreading the tolerance and openness of attitude among students and teachers, what is absolutely important in the multi-cultural society in which the school exists.In the long term, the organisation hopes to use new competence of managers and the teaching staff to realize further programmes and projects together with international ones.Moreover, if the institution succeeds in meeting by its authors needs in the areas of teaching, foreign language knowing, using new methods and teaching tools as well as the attitude towards the emigrants and refugees, it will have an enormous impact on the quality of school work in the area of education, training and managements.

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