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Innowacyjne nauczanie kluczem do budowania nowoczesnej Europy
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project Innovative Education the Key to Building Modern Europe will be implemented from 2016 to 2018 in Junior High School No 1 in Głuchołazy. The whole school community (235 students and 28 teachers) particularly 9 assigned teachers will be involved in the co creating of the Project. Our institution is located in the cross – border area, on the postcommunist state – owned collective farms, which is, after the high rate of unemployment, the second main cause of poor economic condition of its inhabitants. A great number of students have difficulty in learning and and consequently they achieve extremely low final exam results. While drawing up the Project basic school priorities were taken into account and the following aims were framed:1. improving teachers and students language skills,2. building up acceptance and respect towards cultural diversity,3. updating teaching methods,4. intensifying European dimension of our institution,5. fighting against educational failure and providing students with skills necessary in labour market.Participants of the Project:Małgorzata Kajdan – a teacher of English and History, coordinator of the Project,Anna Knoblich – Kaczmarek – school counselor,Ewa Filipowicz – a teacher of English,Marzena Ludwa –a head teacher and a teacher of Polish language,Ewa Koksanowicz – deputy,Ewa Mochoń – a teacher of Geography,Dorota Rytko, Wiesław Niziołek, Maciej Grubiak – teachers of PE.The teachers chosen to the Project have an experience in implementation of pedagogical innovations which promote healthy lifestyle, improve skills necessary in labour market, teach tolerance and apply latest technology during lessons. The following courses have been chosen: Practical Teacher and Language Development Skills and general English course which will take place in Great Britain. The first course will help the teachers of English improve their teaching methods which will be useful in motivating students to learn languages. General English course will equip other teacher with language skills useful in everyday communication. It will be essential in implementation of innovations, searching for foreign school partners and taking part in European projects.The main actions of the Project are:1. e – Twinning training and the usage of TIK tools for the teachers of our school,2. workshops for parents,3. participating in English language and methodology courses,4. finding foreign partner schools via e – Twinning and participating in various courses,5. maintaining partnership with an international students organization for instance AIESEC; running English drama clubs at school and performing English plays,6. promoting the Project through uploading articles on websites and writing blogs,7. organizing methodology workshops for teachers who are not participating in Erasmus courses,8. creating new pedagogical innovations,9. adapting vocational workshops to European labour market standards, showing students how to use Europass and Eures as useful tool in future career,10. constant evaluation of Project actions.The project will involve teachers, students, parents, school partners, local education department and other schools. The long term results of the Project will be:1. developing students and teachers language skills,2. improving learning results,3. applying new teaching methods which will prevent job burnout and encourage students to active participating in lessons,4. using new technology tools,5. maintaining partnership with an international students organization for instance AIESEC, increasing the number of teachers participating in foreign language courses,6. preparing new pedagogical innovations,7. building up acceptance and respect towards cultural diversity,8. engaging parents in school life, especially in the aspect of co creation of their children future career,9. enhancing of school image in our region and abroad,10. strengthening European dimension of our school.
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