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Innovazione didattica "in progress" per una scuola europea dell'inclusione
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

-The main aim of this project is to develop in our school and in the context of our precinct a better European awareness. At the same time we want to strenghten our students' competence by using CLIL methodology, didactic innovation and ICT . Our Institute has been experiencing a strong push towards innovation (both pedagogical and technological) for the last 3 years and we are part of various school networks, the most important ones are called "Educational Avantgarde" and "Book in Progress". So the project's activities will take place in a fertile ground, enabling us to reach higher standards and objectives.-Thanks to the cooperation with the partner Institutes and to the teacher training courses we have chosen (we involved in this last activity teachers with different levels of preparation) we aim to the creation of a competent, aware, qualified team of teachers, people who will be able to face the modern challenges and the new educational needs. We want to use CLIL methodology, innovative pedagogical approaches and ICT in the best possible way and this will greatly help our work in the new 2.0 classes (we have 4 of them, so, about 100 students using ipads at school) and our contribution to the "Book in Progress" network. Our priority is to offer good opportunities to all students, especially those at disadvantage and those with special needs, paying attention to individual needs. We want our students to be conscious and prepared European citizens.-We chose the participants in the three school orders of our Comprehensive Institute ( pre-primary/primary/secondary of lower level). Some of them are experienced teachers while other ones are young, motivated and dynamic teachers who want to improve and learn. We chose courses in methodology and language for kindergarten teachers, CLIL methodology, student motivation through creativity. Everything is coordinated by a designated teacher who is in charge of European Projects and by the Headteacher.-The activities are teacher training courses abroad about the above said topics and two periods of job shadowing in Finland and Spain , for a better understanding of the strategies and methodological approach which allowed them to obtain such good results in the OCSE Pisa standards. The courses and the job shadowing have been chosen bearing in mind the needs of our school, in order to obtain the best possible results.-the first step was understanding of our needs, then we focused on objectives and development plans, we accurately chose the partner school and the training courses to attend; we then designated the responsible people and selected the team of participants. Our work will go on with a constant monitoring of the cultural and linguistic training, of the intellectual outputs and with contacts with the partner, check on mobility, final reports, evaluation and dissemination of the results. -As a result we expect to introduce new teaching methods, strenghtening CLIL teaching, adoption of innovative pedagogical approaches and use of ICT, new learning material to use in the "Book in Progress" network and in e-learning platforms and Open Educational Resources, a significant change in the school curriculum and lesson planning, improvement in the teaching professionalism and students' competences, sharing on the eTwinning platform, on the school web site and in the local press.-Long term benefits will be achieved with qualified and motivated teachers, as well as a better relationship among school-students-parents. We would be happy to give success perspectives both in a local and in an European context.
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2 Partners Participants