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Innovative training approach for Supportive Living Operators
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CareVET project’s main objective is to extend the offer of high quality learning opportunities, delivering an up-to-date pioneer curriculum in the field of Supported/Assisted Living. The curriculum will address the latest’s technological advancements in the assisted living domain, as well as role playing skills and self advocacy promoting techniques that can be utilized by the supportive living operators(SLOs) to improve the beneficiaries’ well being. Special attention will be given to skills transparency through ECVET system and the certification of the course and the SLOs that will be follow it. CareVET is also going to promote work-based learning (WBL) and will involve the trainees working in supported living residencies being supervised by an experienced SLO of the hosting organization. The toolkit will be demonstrating state of the art solutions in Assisted Living(motion detection, location identification, heart rate measurements, step counting, sleep behavior, etc), that the SLOs will be able to try with beneficiaries during WBL. The elearning platform will offer modern interfaces(HTML5- responsive design) and will be used during the courses, as participants will be able to bring their tablets/ laptops and make notes directly on the platform. The e-learning platform will also offer features for self-learning and will offer personalization tools and wizards for role playing scenarios design, implementation and evaluation of the beneficiaries. The CareVET Curriculum will include the following, non-addressed before in supportive living domain, learning outcomes:(a) Therapeutic role playing techniques that has been found to be very helpful for sensory experience and social interaction, (b) self advocacy techniques for reducing the isolation of people with disabilities and to give them the tools and experience to take greater control over their own lives.(c) Social networks developing skills around the beneficiaries with aim the support of their relatives and friends.(d) monitoring programs and tools intended to improve the physical and mental health of the beneficiaries, using preventive means that provide measurable results,(e) ambient-assisted living tools, assistive devices, aids and equipment for independent living including terminology and interoperability issues, and(f) ways to create personalized rules and prevent personal/resident hazardous situations.Even though technology offers great potential, it is partially exploited by today’s supportive living operators due to the lack of sufficient training and suitable training courses. Since the demand for supportive living operators is expected to grow in the near future, CareVET will try to create an attractive curriculum that will combine ICT and wellness competencies. CareVET certified professionals will be easily absorbed by Social partners that host people with "special skills" and elder, as well as from private companies that offer products in the field of assisted/supported living, as consultants.
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